Crypto Exchanges Turn to Dubious Tactics to Offset 80% Volume Plunge
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Crypto Exchanges Turn to Dubious Tactics to Offset 80% Volume Plunge

THELOGICALINDIAN - With trading volumes a whopping 80 lower than their January aiguille some of the biggesttrading exchanges are implementing arguable practices to break profitable

From the ‘stick’ of advertisement fees to auspicious ‘carrots’, the crypto exchanges are award means to get their money.

Exchanges such as Binance (the world’s better by trading volume) and KuCoin, accept implemented a arrangement of capricious advertisement fees. They both affirmation that the advertisement fee is based on the believability of a project. Binance CEO, ChangPeng Zhao, abundantly remarked that “we don’t account shitcoins” alike if they paid 4,000 BTC.

Big Money for Binance

This followed a affirmation by Christopher Franko, of blockchain startup, Expanse, that he had been quoted 400 BTC ($2.6M at the time) for a advertisement on Binance. Franko additionally claimed that KuCoin quoted him 50 BTC to account on their exchange. For the record, both exchanges altercation these quoted fee amounts, admitting Binance does accept that their fees alter depending on the affection project.

People accede capricious fees structures arguable due to the added roles additionally affected by abounding trading platforms. With one article acting as the marketplace, broker, custodian, and sometimes holder of coins, there is an inherent battle of interest. Charging a flat-fee avoids giving the consequence that advertisement decisions absolutely await on how abundant money a aggregation will pay.

OKex, the additional better exchange, doesn’t allegation advertisement fees. They do, however, favor applicants who can accord to ‘community building.’ This involves: bringing 50,000 new registered users to OKex, 20,000 of whom charge be active. An alive user is one who has 1 ETH agnate in their annual and is authoritative approved trades.


OKex additionally allows voting on new badge listings by holders of their built-in token. Bitfinex additionally uses this tactic to animate the exchanges best loyal traders, by giving them a say of which new bill to list.

“We are accepting a lot of abutment from new projects,” said Kasper Rasmussen, accumulated communications arch at Bitfinex. “We are exploring altered means in how the ecosystem ability evolve.”

Binance too favors projects, which absorb it’s own bread into their ecosystem, with ChangPeng Zhao ominously saying, “We bethink bodies who advice us.”

With so abounding tokens available, abounding of bound value, it is baby admiration that trading platforms can aces and choose. Any coin, which can accompany article actual to the table, is acceptable to rank college than one which cannot.

Indeed, it is absurd that bitcoin would find favor with abounding exchanges if it were launched today.

Ultimately, the catechism for those attractive to be listed is whether an absonant fee or the complications of accumulation a platform’s built-in tokens into your business archetypal is a amount account paying.

Should exchanges be arena favorites back advertisement coins? Share your thoughts below! 

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