Mexican Billionaire Ricardo Salinas Visits El Salvador, Meets With Nayib Bukele
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Mexican Billionaire Ricardo Salinas Visits El Salvador, Meets With Nayib Bukele

THELOGICALINDIAN - Emerging as one of the better bitcoin supporters out there Ricardo Salinas fabricated the crusade to El Salvador The billionaire took journalists Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert on a clandestine even to the aboriginal country to accept bitcoin as acknowledged breakable There he met with President Bukele Binances CEO Changpeng Zhao and Samson Mow amid others And luckily for us Salinas accurate the accomplished affair via Twitter

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What can we apprentice about Mexico’s third-richest person’s appointment to El Salvador?

Ricardo Salinas Trapped With Max Keiser

In the report’s aboriginal video we see Salinas badinage in English while Keiser shows him a archetype of “The Book of Max.” Notice how a abounding camera aggregation passes them by. This cruise was absolutely documented.

Then, Keiser letters that during the flight Ricardo Salinas “outlined dozens of means El Salvador’s new Bitcoin balance laws (working through the accumulation now) can be acclimated to accomplish El Salvador a all-around banking hub and badly aggrandize El Salvador’s GDP. His ability with business and accounts is incredible.” These visits of basic and account will ultimately account Salvadorans.

To Max’s praise, the billionaire responded, “I’m a accustomed businessman… consistently attractive for across-the-board abundance and freedom.” But acclaim didn’t end there, the Presidency’s Communications Secretariat accustomed him saying. “Mexican agent Ricardo Salinas, Founder and President of Grupo Salinas, has arrived. He’s visiting El Salvador to apprentice about the possibilities offered by Bitcoin in a country area it is acknowledged tender.”

To the Secretariat’s praise, the billionaire responded, “thank you actual abundant for the affectionate welcome. It’s a amusement for me to appointment your country and abide acquirements about Bitcoin’s use as acknowledged tender.”

El Salvador’s Reception

When the affair arrives, El Salvador’s Ambassador to the United States Milena Mayorga is cat-and-mouse for them. She’s had absolutely a week, accepting accustomed Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao as well. 

Podcaster Stacy Herbert additionally acquaint a professional-looking video of the party’s arrival. Max Keiser shares a few words of acumen in the end:

President Bukele Meets Ricardo Salinas

The billionaire acquaint pictures of the affair and reported. “Today, I was accustomed at the presidential abode by the President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele. I brought him “El album mapa de Mexico” and a balero and I accustomed from him a Bitcoin in concrete form.”

Then, the President himself provided Twitter with addition set of photos. Ricardo Salinas went abysmal in the answer, “I am abiding that alone with abandon we can advance as a acculturation and I am abiding that Bitcoin is the bill of freedom.”

No chat yet on what the affair was about.

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Ricardo Salinas Visits The Volcano Mine

Then, it’s Samson Mow time. The ex Blockstream aggregate a account of them both central a helicopter, about to appointment the bitcoin abundance mine. Ricardo Salinas additionally went abysmal in the reply, “We abide alive in El Salvador, because if we don’t try to break it, no one is activity to appear to get us out of area we are.”

Then, Salinas aggregate an aeriform appearance of the accomplished geo plant. It’s absolutely the operation: 

Not to be larboard behind, Max Keiser aggregate a video of him and Samson Mow accession at the plant. 

The announcer takes the befalling to acclaim the abundance bonds. “These bonds are over subscribed as the apple scrambles for Bitcoin now that the USD has absent its cachet as apple assets bill column Russia/ Ukraine conflict.”

Lunch With Changpeng Zhao

All of these billionaires visiting El Salvador. Probably nothing. Binance’s CEO and Ricardo Salinas did accommodated and here’s accurate proof:

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Of course, there was controversy. A Salvadoran baby-kisser called Anabel Belloso accused the Government of advantageous for adorned dinners and clandestine flights. Ricardo Salinas responded by highlighting his company’s logo and the Mexican banderole in his plane. And aggregate a account of a banquet in which were present all of this post’s protagonists except the President.

Which doesn’t beggarly that the Government didn’t absorb accessible funds during those visits. However, accepting two abeyant billion-dollar investors is acceptable business everywhere in the world. Plus, it’s a acceptable sign.