Bitcoin Price Analysis: Bears Look to Trap Bulls Into Weekly Close
bitcoin price

Bitcoin Price Analysis: Bears Look to Trap Bulls Into Weekly Close

THELOGICALINDIAN - As the Bitcoin amount account candle draws appear a abutting for the anniversary we booty a attending at what the achievement over the anniversary looks like activity into the final anniversary of March

Bitcoin price: 4-HOUR CHART

Looking at the4-hour chart, we can see that the bitcoin amount has spent the aftermost few canicule aquiver about the account aperture amount of $3965, with the bears always advancing this level.

The MACD has burst through it aught band accepting angry bearish on the dump from the account highs at over $4056 all the way bottomward to $3920, which forth with a about bottomward trending MACD implies that the bears are in ascendancy activity into Sunday evening, about the beasts accept accurate to avert the account candle in the aftermost two weeks of asking.

Should the bears appetite to ascertain the account candle, the mid-week lows of $3920 will be the target, admitting the beasts will appetite to abutting aloft the account accessible of $3965.


A attending at the 1-Day Chart shows that bitcoin amount is assuming signs of attempt to complete the Adam and Eve and Inverse arch and amateur classical charting patterns, which would betoken an upside ambition amid $4800 and $5200.

Failed moves about advance to fast moves, so if BTC cannot breach aback to analysis the $4,000 and loses the account lows, the 50 and 100 DMA at $3780 and $3730 appropriately will be the aboriginal band of aegis for the bulls. These levels accept acted as abutment back Mid-February back they angry from attrition and into support.


With alone a few hours remaining, the account blueprint shows that bitcoin amount is still actuality capped by the centermost band of the Bollinger Bands, which is the 20 anniversary affective average.

Should BTC administer to authority the mid $3900s, bitcoin will accessible the final anniversary of March aloft the 20 WMA will be for the aboriginal time of 2019. It is bright to see that a added definitive move is on the border of occurring with the compression of the 200 WMA and the 20 WMA actuality acutely authentic on the chart.

The account MACD will book a fifth blooming bar on the histogram and continues to trend upwards, but has some way to go afore it crosses its aught band and is in bullish territory.


Looking at affect in the Bitcoin market, we can see that the Bitcoin September Futures arrangement at Bitmex is currently trading about $40 beneath the atom price, acceptation that the apprehension of the bazaar is that BTC prices will be lower affective forwards.

This of advance presents an befalling for the beasts who accept the adverse to be true. So they’ll be able to aces up bitcoin at a discounted rate. But this would be adjoin bazaar apprehension and the abatement is to be accepted in a buck bazaar environment.

The Long/Short arrangement at Bitfinex has crept college in adverse to the futures movement, and is now up at 1.18, which has allowance to manoeuvre college appear area it usually acme out about 1.5 if there is a breach to the upside.

The longs and shorts absolute accessible absorption at Bitfinex is bottomward to 44k BTC – bottomward from about bifold that in Dec-2024. This implies that there are speculators apprehension the bigger move to arise afore demography on any accident in the market, which added supports the idea the abutting move will be a aciculate one.

Overall, bitcoin amount charcoal bound in a buck bazaar and is cutting on upwards in an auspicious fashion. But the beasts charge booty ascendancy of the bazaar in the final anniversary of March as the 20 anniversary affective boilerplate continues to abolish the price.

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The angle and opinions of the biographer should not be misconstrued as banking advice.  For disclosure, the biographer holds Bitcoin at the time of writing.

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