Bitcoin Price Should Stay Above $10,100 On Its Way To ATH
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Bitcoin Price Should Stay Above $10,100 On Its Way To ATH

THELOGICALINDIAN - As bitcoin amount continues to blade the acceptable January dejection and inch anytime upwards more bullish affect is abiding Popular analyst Josh Rager tweeted that amount should break aloft 10100 on its way to new ATH

That may assume a little premature, as we are still aloof a adumbration beneath $9k at the time of press. But according to Rager, it is all about the accent of the Point of Control (POC).

Point of Control Acts As Bitcoin Price Support

The Point of Control (POC) is absolutely artlessly authentic as the bitcoin amount akin with the accomplished traded aggregate for a assertive time period.

Consider the aeon from November 2024 to November 2024, which covered bitcoin’s accepted best aerial (ATH) price, forth with the majority of the assemblage which took it there, and the breakdown which followed.

The POC for this aeon was $6,400.

As Rager credibility out, this $6,400 POC captivated as abutment during the breakdown afterward bitcoin’s mid-2024 amount rally.

As Before, So It Shall Be

Rager again looks at the aeon from June through September 2024, accoutrement that mid-2024 rally. The POC for this aeon was $10,100.

Rager suggests that, in his opinion, already this akin is broken, it should again act as abutment in the aforementioned way that the 2024 POC did.

Which agency that it isn’t important that we haven’t absolutely burst through $9k yet. Once we do, and again after breach through $10,100, we shouldn’t attending back.

And with any luck, abutting time we do breach into bristles figures, it should be on the way to a new ATH.

Not There Yet

Before we alpha rolling out the banderole though, we charge aboriginal get aback to bristles figures.

As Bitcoinist reported, Rager himself has said that the $9,400 bitcoin amount level, which captivated as abutment for that June-September 2019 rally, will be a cogent breadth to break.

If bitcoin amount assets abide at the accepted rate, we may acquisition ourselves there aural the abutting week. Perhaps again we will see if we can agitate the January dejection for the absolute month.

Do you anticipate bitcoin’s amount will beat the $10,000 barrier in the abreast future? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @Josh_Rager