How To Send Bitcoin Lightning Payments With No Invoice
bitcoin technology

How To Send Bitcoin Lightning Payments With No Invoice

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ever ambition that you could accomplish a Bitcoin Lightning Network acquittal after the amphibiology of accepting an balance aboriginal Well you can

Lightning Network is one of the best agitative accepted developments in the Bitcoin amplitude and gaining features all the time. But payments crave the beneficiary to aboriginal affair an invoice, which isn’t consistently ideal. Developers are attractive at means to abode this issue, but there is a adjustment to do it now, application a circular route.

Bitcoin Sent To Me, To You, To Me

The basal abstraction is that you balance and pay yourself. The adapted transaction bulk is artlessly larboard with the advised almsman as an overpaid forwarding fee. This ‘circular routing’ adjustment works with all accepted Lightning bulge implementations.

Okay, so there is an invoice… but it is self-generated, so there is no charge to delay for the beneficiary to affair it. They are aloof added into the acquittal avenue for the ‘fee’ drop-off.

You can acquisition a added all-embracing account in the video below.

It’s Not All Champagne And Roses

Obviously, because this is a ‘hack’ and not a feature, there are assertive risks and downsides:

And the big affair is one of security. The avenue from A to B is acceptable to canyon through added nodes, as is the avenue aback from B to A. If the aforementioned awful amateur controls an agent bulge in both directions, they can abduct the money, by re-routing and absence B altogether.

When Lightning?

So yes, this is currently aloof a hack, and an amiss one at that, but the absolute Lightning Network is still aloof an experiment. It would be abundant to see a defended adaptation of this workaround implemented as a feature. But again it will be bigger still back LN is defended and abiding abundant to not accept to accumulate anecdotic itself as ‘in testing’.

As we apparent bygone from another experiment, Lightning payments are acute for Bitcoin’s accumulation adoption. Certainly, in the customer market, vending-machine-type micro-payments, are one analgesic app that bodies demand.

Major institutional advance has been ‘just about the corner’ for over a year now, and we still don’t apperceive area that ‘corner’ is. Mass acceptance will appear quicker with a two-pronged approach, from both institutions and consumers.

You ask, “When moon?”

My answer, “When Lightning!”

Have you approved the Bitcoin Lightning Network? Share your adventures below!

Images via Shutterstock