Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 05/17/2024 – Start of a Reversal?

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 05/17/2024 – Start of a Reversal?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount could be in for a declivity on its concise charts, as it bankrupt beneath an ascendance trend line.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is aloft the longer-term 200 SMA so there’s still a adventitious for a bounce. Price rallied off the $450 akin as predicted in an beforehand article and ability be due for a pullback to the burst abutment abreast $457.

Stochastic is advertence oversold altitude so profit-taking about these lows could be seen. RSI has confused lower during the selloff but is aback in average ground, almost alms able directional clues at the moment. Still, the oscillator is pointing up so bullish burden could be in play.

If the $457 breadth holds as resistance, bitcoin amount could resume its bead to the $450 lows or aim for new ones. On the added hand, a assemblage accomplished the $457 akin could acquiesce the ascend aback up to $470 to resume.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 05/17/2016 - Start of a Reversal?

Market Events

Risk appetence was in comedy bygone afterwards awkward oil rallied, but bitcoin amount was clumsy to booty advantage of the auto in higher-yielding assets. Dollar backbone was still in play, acceptable due to the beat abstracts appear from China over the weekend. Retail sales, automated production, and anchored asset advance all showed declines and anemic results, renewing fears of a arrest in the world’s additional better economy.

The capital accident accident for the dollar this anniversary is the absolution of the FOMC minutes, which ability absolutely draw added buyers in the mix. While the Fed refrained from hiking absorption ante and signaled that they ability still abeyance in June, a cardinal of testimonies from FOMC associates appropriate that they’re still optimistic about bread-and-butter prospects.

A acknowledgment in accident abhorrence accumulated with upbeat Fed address could be a compound for stronger dollar rallies and a abiding selloff for bitcoin.

Charts from SimpleFX

Image via NewsBTC