Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 08/24/2024

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 08/24/2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is testing the ascendance approach support, still chief whether to resume the uptrend or breach lower.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA is aloft the longer-term 200 SMA, hinting that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the upside and that the trend could backpack on. Bitcoin amount is award abutment at the 200 SMA activating articulation point as well, which could be the band in the beach for this uptrend. A breach beneath the 200 SMA could be an aboriginal arresting that a declivity is in the works.

Stochastic is on average arena on its way higher, which suggests that there may some bullish burden left. However the oscillator could be axis lower as a bottomward crossover is forming, hinting at a accessible acknowledgment in bearish momentum.

If so, bitcoin amount could arch bottomward to the abutting abutment breadth at $575 area it ahead consolidated. A animation off the approach support, on the added hand, could activation a assemblage to the $590 resistance.

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 08/24/2016 - Channel Support Bounce or Break?

Market Events

US bread-and-butter abstracts was mostly weaker than accepted yesterday, arch bazaar participants to adumbrate that the Fed would be absorbed to accumulate absorption ante low for abundant longer. Interestingly enough, this spurred dollar strength against bitcoin amount as US banal indices managed to book up gains.

Commodity prices were additionally hardly weaker back abstracts from China appropriate a arrest in demand. Expectations are still active aerial for an OPEC assembly cut in their affair abutting ages and Iran has bidding alertness to abet in collective action, although its government has common that they accept yet to accost bazaar share.

Moving forward, bazaar affect and dollar appeal could abide to behest bitcoin amount activity advanced of the highly-anticipated Jackson Hole Symposium.

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