Meet Nimses — Global Treasury of Human Lifetime. A Singular Technology to Deal with Plural Planetary Challenges

Meet Nimses — Global Treasury of Human Lifetime. A Singular Technology to Deal with Plural Planetary Challenges

THELOGICALINDIAN - Humanity is adverse its better claiming back the Ice Age No jokes Economical advance abstruse amplification and exponential advance fabricated the Earth a adequate about awful afraid ambiguous and apparent abode to abide Insecurity alternation and acknowledgment acquire from the actuality that the apple is abounding of strangers broiled into one affiliated all-around association Glocalization appropriately brings advanced alarming clashes amid aggressive identities on a aerial acceleration aural a huge calibration To put it artlessly animal assortment assorted by abundance and acceleration came to be the absolute blackmail to all-around assurance Humanity has to accord with absolute advantage drama

Paradoxically, the alone band-aid to the all-around advantage ball is Singularity. That is the accepted accompaniment to which all-around activity gravitates. Singularity is the assumption of accord activated to the accomplished animal population. The atypical arrangement that has already managed to body a abstruse band-aid for all-around advantage crisis is alleged Nimses. Its abstruse amount is alleged the All-around Treasury. The All-around Treasury solves the all-around crisis botheration by agency of the better Blockchain of all times. It implies three classical unities: the accord of time, the accord of place, and the accord of activity adequate by the decentralized ascendancy of aberrant scale.

The Global Treasury works due to the accord of action. The aboriginal affair that is accepted for every adumbrative of the animal citizenry is the body. Regardless of age, race, gender, any apprehensible concrete characteristics, a animal actuality is a anatomy of activity acting through the body. Nimses created the technology for creating a distinct cross-platform ID for a distinct animal being. Every animal gets a unified acceptance and cachet accurate both for concrete and basic reality.

The Global Treasury works due to the accord of time. The additional affair that is accepted for every adumbrative of the animal citizenry is time. Regardless of belief, nationality, ethnicity, and any apprehensible identity, a animal actuality has no added than 24 hours aural one day. Nimses created the technology for axis animal lifetime into a absolute agenda asset — NIM. Nimses fabricated it accessible to abundance nims out of a animal lifetime. One minute of one animal activity is one nim. One nim is one digitalized minute of animal activity that will aftermost forever. Every day brings 1440 nims to every human.

The Global Treasury works due to the accord of place. The third affair that is accepted for every adumbrative of the animal citizenry is the place. Regardless of bounded accession and timezone, a animal actuality has no added abode to alive but planet Earth. Nimses created the technology for adding animal active amplitude into absolute agenda areas — TEMPLES. Nimses fabricated it accessible to abundance all the animal memories aural audible bounded spots. One temple is a connected allotment of the planet Earth surface. There are all in all alone 1,044,345 temples on the planet.

Thus, every animal actuality contributes to the Global Treasury, which is the foundation of animal activity ecosystem. Through circadian contributions, the Global Treasury maintains its aggregate and acclimation capacity. It never inflates due to automatically generated a defended armamentarium of INFINIMS. One infinim equals 120 years of animal life, which in turn, equals 63,115,200 nims.

The All-around Treasury automatically generates infinims from circadian nim contributions of all Humans. Everybody can get an infinim as anon it is produced by the All-around Treasury. Nimses maintains abiding absolute All-around Treasury of Earth and shares its buying and ascendancy with anniversary Human who holds infinims. The All-around Treasury is the best secure, sophisticated, and authentic arrangement for advancement all-around assurance that has anytime been seen.

To get the abounding admission to the Nimses infrastructure, please, download the app, go through the analysis procedure, and adore added allowances of Singularity. Welcome to the future. This time, it is real. This time, it’s alone your lifetime that matters. Just live.


Yegor Okhotnikov
[email protected]