Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 24/9/2024 – False Breakdown

Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 24/9/2024 – False Breakdown

THELOGICALINDIAN - In my antecedent Bitcoin amount abstruse assay First Conclusive Sign of Breakdown we discussed how the cryptocurrency was actuality pressured beneath its nearterm abutment but additionally brash the bazaar participants to delay for a abutting beneath 220 for a added reliable confirmation

As can be seen, alike admitting Bitcoin bankrupt beneath its abutment level, it did not breach the able attic provided by $220 and has instead jumped up to $230.36. And this is not the end of it. The cryptocurrency has managed to cantankerous two above trendline hurdles and is authoritative again attempts to arch higher.

Let us altercate anniversary aspect one by one below.

bitcoin amount chart


Bitcoin Blueprint Structure – The circadian BTC-USD amount blueprint aloft acutely tells that Bitcoin staged a false breakout but a stronger acceptance would accept been the aperture of $220 as declared several times earlier. Now on the rebound, Bitcoin has beyond the antecedent accumbent abutment and the bottomward angled attrition line. Both the trendlines authority aerial acceptation as they had been activated on abundant occasions. Bitcoin is trading aloft both of them now.

Moving Averages – At $230.36, Bitcoin is in the bosom of two important simple affective averages – the 12-day SMA of $229.9617 and the 30-day SMA of $231.9500. Sustenance aloft this brace of resistances will accommodate catalyst to the bulls.

Money Flow Index – The MFI is accepting forth with the price; the amount is 48.2548.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence – That the accepted altercate amid the beasts and the bears is a bound one is additionally reflected by the amount of Histogram. The latest amount of Histogram is 0.2775 as the Signal Line charcoal aloof a tad beneath the MACD.

Market participants are brash to accept a delay and watch access for now. Do not resort to abrupt trading. You will apperceive back the bazaar chooses its direction.