DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis May 18, 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis May 18, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook May 18


DASH fell initially during the trading affair on Wednesday, but begin abundant abutment at the $77.50 akin to about-face things about and anatomy a hammer. This aloof shows how abundant absorption there is beneath and because of this it’s acceptable that every time we cull aback there should be a bit of a bounce. The bazaar seems to be accumulating and aggravating to body up abundant drive to assuredly go extensive appear the $100 akin again.


LiteCoin fell during the day initially on Wednesday but begin abundant abutment at $21 to about-face things about and anatomy a admiring attractive candle. Because of this, it’s acceptable that the bazaar will animation from actuality and go attractive for the $30 level, again conceivably the $35 akin afterwards that. The bazaar has been in an uptrend for some time, so this move of advance makes absolutely a bit of sense.

Thanks for watching and see you afresh tomorrow.