Bitcoin Targets the $14,000 Level amidst Positive Fundamentals

Bitcoin Targets the $14,000 Level amidst Positive Fundamentals

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin whose amount fell abutting to the 9500 akin aftermost anniversary has badly switched its acting bent upside down

The world’s arch cryptocurrency on Monday soared to a session aerial of $12,829.96, abacus over 32 percent to its month-to-date low on San Francisco-based Coinbase exchange. The upside amount activity added brought bitcoin afterpiece to its 2019 aiguille of $13,868.44, bidding speculators to anticipate a bifold top scenario.

Technically, a bifold top bearings is alarming because of its addiction to fuel bearish reversals. Assets retesting bounded amount acme aural a baby timeframe tends to abatement aback sharply. But according to bazaar analyst Josh Rager, such is not the case with bitcoin.

The arresting banker said on Tuesday that a bifold top accumulation is not bearish if the asset’s above-mentioned moves are to the upside. A abatement in prices was accurate in 2024 back bitcoin was in a able downtrend. But in 2024, the cryptocurrency is trending upwards – and in near-term – appear the $14,000 level.

“A breach and abutting aloft $12,354 on 4hr/1 Day attrition and I’d attending for BTC to retest antecedent highs and will barter the ranges until that happens,” tweeted Rager.

Bitcoin Dominance High/Tether Prints

The account upside activity took the bitcoin’s absolute allotment allotment in the cryptocurrency bazaar to 66.82. The cryptocurrency’s ascendancy had started ascent appropriate afterwards price low on July 2. At that time, bitcoin engulfed 64.55 percent of the all-embracing market.

A added than 2 percent access in ascendancy coincided with the press of $100 actor account of Tether stablecoins, USDT. According to Jesse Powell of Kraken exchange, advance in the accumulation of USDT bill is bullish for bitcoin. The arch controlling told TD Ameritrade that Tether supplied beginning stablecoins to accommodated demand, abacus that the USDT appeal itself testified that traders are attractive to acquirement bitcoin.

“Recently, we’ve had massive inflows of authorization currency, so I accept the Tether prints are a aftereffect of new authorization advancing in,” said Powell.

The statements followed letters that claimed Tether is artificially inflating the amount of bitcoin by press unpegged USDT coins. Noted economist Nouriel Roubini mentioned it during his contempo agitation with Arthur Hayes, co-founder & CEO of BitMEX exchange, accusing Tether architect of manipulating the bitcoin market.

Powell, nevertheless, believed that the appeal for USDT is real, and the stablecoin abandoned cannot pump the bitcoin bazaar by billions of dollars.

“It’s huge retail appeal and all the media absorption on it. It’s not Tether,” Powell added.

What’s Driving Investors to Bitcoin?


The bulk of all-around media advantage bitcoin receives surged badly in contempo months. There are boilerplate banking companies like TD Ameritrade, Bakkt, and Fidelity Investments that are developing bitcoin trading solutions for both the retail and institutional investors. There is Facebook, whose plans to barrage a acquittal belvedere Libra has put bitcoin in the account of abounding arch account services. And then, there are a alternation of macroeconomic and geopolitical factors that are sending investors attractive for anchorage assets like gold and bitcoin.

Alex Krüger, a bazaar analyst and economist, believes such absolute axiological factors are influencing affluent investors to admeasure a allocation of their advance portfolio to bitcoin. He brought to apprehension that the cryptocurrency is alluring large, advancing buyers.

“More buyers than sellers” is a meme. I’d bet there were added sellers than buyers,” tweeted Krüger. “However, buyers were ample & aggressive. What moves a bazaar upwards is not “more buyers than sellers” but “aggressive buyers cutting advancing and acquiescent sellers.”