Charlie Lee Talks Selling His LTC, Increasing Its Total Supply, and Twitter Trolls

Charlie Lee Talks Selling His LTC, Increasing Its Total Supply, and Twitter Trolls

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin architect Charlie Lee batten at breadth with the cofounder of TenX Julian Hosp in a Youtube account beforehand today

Amongst the capacity covered were autonomous systems vs. absolute ones, his accommodation to advertise his LTC, Bitcoin Cash, and that he’d advised accretion the absolute accumulation of Litecoin one day.

Lee Covered a Wide Range of Topics in Today’s Interview

In the 35 minute continued Youtube interview, the architect of ninth better cryptocurrency, Litecoin, batten about lots of capacity apropos to both LTC and the added cryptocurrency world.

Lee opened by talking about the administration and eyes for Litecoin, adage that he saw it as alive calm with Bitcoin. He said that Litecoin was meant to be cheaper than Bitcoin and that back Bitcoin is the best defended and censorship aggressive cryptocurrency, that comes at a cost. The chat again confused to Bitcoin Cash to which Lee declared that he saw the angle as actuality ‘pretty silly’ and that it was about advancing Bitcoin’s brand.

The LTC architect went on to abode decentralisation and the barter offs amid accurate decentralisation (inefficient and fair) and projects advance by dictator-like abstracts (efficient yet unfair). He again activated this to his own project:

“… for a bill to absolutely be a common decentralised currency, you can’t accept a absolute leader, to accomplish it added decentralised, eventually I will footfall away.”

This confused the chat appear Lee selling his own LTC position, calmly abutting to the coin’s best high. At the time, he cited a ‘conflict of interest.’ In today’s interview, he hinted at some abjure about the timing:

“I still anticipate it was the appropriate move but I catechism whether — I anticipate in the continued run it was the appropriate move but in the concise while the amount is down, beneath the best high, it aloof feels like it’s not the appropriate decision.”

Hosp and Lee again addressed the approaching of cryptocurrency with Lee advertence that he acquainted government-issued agenda bill were assured but accurate decentralised bill such as BTC and LTC were far superior.

When the chat confused to the affair of Twitter trolls, Hosp accustomed Lee’s acutely aloof backbone to which the LTC architect laughed and accepted he had a astringent blocking policy. He claimed he had hit the block button bags if not tens of bags of times – ‘if you broadcast me, I will aloof block you,’ he concluded.

Perhaps the best absorbing area of the accomplished account came appropriate at the end back Lee was asked about accord algorithms, alteration to proof-of-stake, and assuredly if accretion the absolute accumulation of Litecoin was anytime an option.

Firstly, he declared that for projects like LTC and BTC, proof-of-work remained the best way of accepting the arrangement currently available. Then, he decidedly accepted to accepting some thoughts about potentially accretion the absolute accumulation of LTC one day:

“It’s adamantine to say what will appear back it starts extensive the limit. Right now, the bread is working, Bitcoin and Litecoin are alive because the mining accolade is advantageous for the security… Back you await on fees and if the fees aren’t abundant because the block admeasurement is constrained, again what happens? The aegis will drop. Is it bigger to accept some baby aggrandizement every year and accept that anchored and accept that pay for the aegis or can transaction fees pay for security?”

However, as Hosp apprenticed Lee for a ‘gut feeling’ on the issue, he did say ‘unless there is a absolutely acceptable acumen to change it, again aloof let it be.’