Decentralized Messaging App Yik Yak Announces Anonymous Photo Sharing While Collecting User Data

Decentralized Messaging App Yik Yak Announces Anonymous Photo Sharing While Collecting User Data

THELOGICALINDIAN - Photo administration is one of the best generally acclimated accoutrement of our association these canicule Whether its through amusing media or aloof administration pictures with accompany and ancestors we adulation annihilation added than administration our memories with others That actuality said a lot of acute advice is stored central shares photos which not anybody is acquainted of Yik Yak may accept the band-aid to that botheration admitting there are some rules to attach to

Yik Yak – Anonymous Photo Sharing But No Selfies AllowedBitcoinist_Yik Yak App

Yik Yak wants to advice consumers actualize and acquisition a alive augment of what bodies in your adjacency are saying. Sharing thoughts with bodies in the aforementioned area can be done deeply and after advertisement any of your claimed information. In accomplishing so, Yik Yak creates a accomplished new blazon of amusing media or accessible forum.

Similar to how Reddit operates, Yik Yak users can upvote agreeable or discussions they like, and downvote things they do not like or acquisition offensive. This assumption is a abundant way to barometer abeyant absorption in a assertive discussion, and will accord users absolute feedback. Additionally, users can see what bodies are adage in added bounded communities, creating a faculty of decentralization in the approach of your hand.

As you would appear to expect, applications such as Yik Yak are answerable to aggregate assertive advice from their users. A user id is created for you, but no name or email abode is required. Additional advice calm may accommodate bounded data, agreeable and usage, blast number, accessory ID, IP addresses, et cetera. All of this advice may be broadcast to third-party vendors and account providers.

It comes as a bit of a abruptness again to acquisition out Yik Yak has added a new affection to its adaptable application. Every user can now allotment photos on the platform, yet assertive things – such as selfies or inappropriate adumbration – is not allowed. All photos will be manually advised afore actualization on your Yik Yak feed.

Considering how Yik Yak touts itself as an bearding messaging application, the administration of photos is, by default, bearding as well. However, accustomed the bulk of abstracts the aggregation collects on it users, there is a catechism mark as to whether or not Yik Yak offers any akin of anonymity at this point.

Blockchain Technology A Better Alternative

There is one allotment of technology that does not crave claimed information, nor will it advertisement your location, accessory ID or annihilation else. Bitcoin’s blockchain is added than aloof a banking ledger, as it can additionally be acclimated to accelerate files to added users on the network. No identification or analysis is needed, as users accept bearding addresses at their disposaL

Additionally, Yik Yak wants to present itself as a decentralized application, yet still uses centralized servers to aggregate and abundance data. If the developers absolutely appetite to embrace decentralization to its abounding potential, blockchain technology for all of their casework is a far bigger alternative.

What are your thoughts on the Yik Yak “anonymous” messaging app? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Engadget

Images address of Yik Yak