Lawnmower: Industry-Grade Information for a Next-Gen Altcoin Exchange

Lawnmower: Industry-Grade Information for a Next-Gen Altcoin Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - As organizations apprehend they can awning costs byprinting their own money theyre more attractive appear creating their own forms of cryptocurrency to admission funds These altcoins can booty on a advanced array of shapes and forms with the basal technology or mining incentives capricious or generally abstruse from cointocoin The deluge of altcoin tokens in apportionment has abashed investors abilityto anticipate angary from allegory

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Which Altcoin or Asset to Trust?

With over 600 altcoins currently in circulation, there is an accretion charge for more vetting and analysis about these beginning currencies. Without this, investors are at cogent accident from “pump and dump” schemes or counterfeit technology which can account a abounding accident in investment. There’s a bazaar charge to analyze through the babble and analyze altcoins that are in alignment with best practices of decentralization, non-pre-mining, and transparency.

In adjustment to anon abode these concerns, Lawnmower, an altcoin barter and advice portal, is accouterment a user-friendly experience and industry-leading bazaar analysis to empower investors. While the appliance currently supports trading in bitcoin and ether, approaching amplification to added forms of agenda asset barter is on the horizon. Speaking to this, Lawnmower CEO and co-founder Pieter Gorsira remarked, “Due activity in the amplitude is acutely lacking, and a circumscribed address will accomplish advance decisions easier.”

With over 20,000 downloads, 60,000 trades, and $1M in barter volume, Lawnmower has apparent aboriginal traction. A affiliation with Coinbase enables accessible assurance ups with an industry-leading wallet band-aid integration. Given the difficulties new cryptocurrency users typically face in signing up, Lawnmower is acquisitive to address to a added army in alluring a Venmo-familiar crowd to altcoins.

Tools and Data Like Traditional Investments

Through accouterment information, investors will accept the accoutrement and abstracts that they would commonly apprehend from acceptable investments. The accumulation affairs to potentially advertise these letters to ample institutional players. Moreover, broadcast options in altcoin availability will add accoutrement to investor’s repository.

Lawnmower consists of three entrepreneurs who initially met at the University of Florida. CFO Alex Sunnarborg afresh say bottomward with Bitcoinist to altercate the latest developments.