Leaked Documents Show AT&T has Helped the NSA Spy on Customers for Decades

Leaked Documents Show AT&T has Helped the NSA Spy on Customers for Decades

THELOGICALINDIAN - Leaked classified abstracts provided to The New York Times and Propublica by bigmouth Edward Snowden acknowledge that ATT has facilitated NSA spying operations for decades The leaked abstracts which were the aboriginal covered by the New York Times is the best contempo in a alternation of leaks provided by Snowden over the aftermost twoyears Snowden aboriginal acquired acclaim afterwards absolute bags of classified government abstracts to journalists Glenn Greenwald Laura Poitras and Ewen MacAskill that provided advice about ahead alien spying programs such as PRISM in June 2024

Also read: Leaked Documents: China Spying on top US Officials

StationaryMobileMesh_largeAccording to the documents, the NSA and AT&T maintained a “highly collaborative” accord for decades that has been active in authoritative it easier for the NSA to spy on massive quantities of internet cartage in the United States. While it has been about accepted for a while that American buzz companies assignment carefully with the spy agency, the afresh leaked abstracts appearance that the NSA considers their AT&T accord to be different in how abnormally advantageous it has been. In fact, in 2011, AT&T began accouterment over 1.1 billion calm corpuscle buzz calling annal per day to the NSA in a advance that they fabricated for the 10th ceremony of the 9/11 agitator attacks. One certificate alike applauds the telecommunications aggregation for its “extreme alertness to help.” AT&T was one of the aboriginal of the NSA’s accumulated ally to advice accredit the spying agency’s metadata affairs in 2003, which was characterized as a “live attendance on the all-around net,” and in the aboriginal months forwarded millions of emails a day to the keyword alternative system.

According to the Times, it is not accepted whether these programs are still operational. However, one certificate from 2024 states that the AT&T affiliation provides different admission to added telecoms and ISPs.

This revelation, one of many, not alone provides affirmation that the US government may be administering actionable spying activities, but additionally shows the flaws in dupe centralized networks. Centralized entities like telecommunication companies accommodate their casework through servers that holds all of their customers’ buzz annal and information. This gives them about absolute ascendancy of people’s private conversations, which may actual able-bodied authority advice that abounding would rather accumulate private. And, as these abstracts accept shown, companies like AT&T accept been added than accommodating to allotment this clandestine information.

Although some bodies may not be anxious with such matters, it could be advised a aperture of assurance and possibly a abuse of law by telecommunication companies to acknowledge their customers’ information. Most bodies do business with their telecommunication providers with an apprehension of aloofness through aloofness agreements, which are accurately bounden affairs that outline arcane actual that the telecommunication companies accede to bind admission to by third parties.

download (8)Although abounding accept acicular to and criticized the use of axial databases for their vulnerability to attacks and their assurance on trust, there absolutely hasn’t been any accepted another to such institutions in the telecommunications industry.

Some accept looked to Tor, a chargeless affairs that operates on a peer-to-peer arrangement that enables bearding communication. Tor works by concealing people’s internet activities and area through an all-encompassing arrangement of bags of relays. It encrypts the users’ abstracts and IP addresses with anniversary relay, akin the adeptness of others to adviser their communication. Although Tor is alike able to burrow internet action from an ISP, the ISP can still apperceive back a being is application Tor. Furthermore, the NSA does accept some bound agency of base assertive weaknesses of the program. Alike then, the primary weakness of Tor is not any weakness aural the affairs itself, but the actuality that it still relies on centralized ISP’s for internet service.

However, one approaching achievability of accepting about centralized ISP’s is through a abstraction accepted as mesh networks. Essentially, cobweb networks are a way to accommodate internet account through a decentralized platform. This would absolutely annihilate the charge for centralized internet account providers. It would accomplish on a peer-to-peer base with bags — if not millions — of abreast endemic servers accomplishing the assignment that already was done by a baby scattering of companies. This would accomplish all advice decentralized and absurd for an bureau like the NSA to accumulate claimed advice from.

Despite the affiance of cobweb networks, currently they alone abide as a accessible abstruse innovation, not yet absolute for abreast use. Thus, the best way to abstain government concern is apparently through a aggregate of Bitcoin and Tor. With added Bitcoin acceptance, it could be acceptable that telecommunication companies will alpha accepting it as acquittal for account and buzz bills. When this happens, the aegis of the blockchain will at the actual atomic absolute the NSA from accession claimed advice through acclaim cards via telecommunication providers and banking institutions.

What do you anticipate of the abeyant of cobweb nets? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Sources: New York Times, Gawker

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