UFC 204: Michael Bisping Vs. Dan Henderson, Bitcoin Betting Picks

UFC 204: Michael Bisping Vs. Dan Henderson, Bitcoin Betting Picks

THELOGICALINDIAN - UFC 204 is actuality All the admirers were apprehensive if a rematch amid Bisping and Henderson would booty abode able-bodied now it will This action will best acceptable be Hendersons aftermost afore he retires

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This action agenda takes abode in Manchester, United Kingdom and it will be adverse area for Dan Henderson indeed. Also on this agenda is the consistently alarming Vitor Belfort vs. Gregard Mousasi; Ovince Saint Preux vs. Jimi Manuwa; and UK’s advancing Brad Pickett faces off adjoin Iuri Alcantara.

The quickest and easiest way to bet on these UFC fights is with bitcoin because it is faster and cheaper to use than other drop and abandonment methods. Let’s accept a attending at some of the fights.

UFC 204 Bitcoin Betting Picks

Michael Bisping vs. Dan Henderson

This is a rematch of the ballsy action that resulted a accomplished division of shit-talking during The Ultimate Fighter: Team USA vs. Team UK. Team USA was accomplished by Henderson and Bisping accomplished Team UK. In that fight, Bisping fabricated the aberration of ambit to his right, in the administration of Henderson’s “H-Bomb” appropriate hand. The aftereffect was one of the best iconic knockouts in MMA history. Bisping will appetite to avenge that loss.

Bisping has been angry smart, as he showed in his victories over Anderson Silva and Luke Rockhold for the title. Bisping brand to use his abstruse battle and stays on the outside. He uses his angry in a arresting way to being takedowns. Although he is not accepted for his power, he has some solid battle on the inside. Look for Bisping to try to abrasion bottomward Henderson who will be attractive for that appropriate duke or a takedown.

If Henderson is not able to get in ambit for his appropriate hand, at some point he will shoot. When that is blimp too, he will alpha to get tired. Bisping will be agreeable with a bristles annular accommodation — don’t let the shit-talking fool you.

Will Bisping be able to authority his belt, or will Hendo booty it and retire as the champion? They are both accepting old and accept affluence of fights on their record. The area will be arranged with English MMA fans, which should advice Bisping. He is acclimated to angry in the UK with the army abaft him. This is activity to be a agenda to remember, and could be the aftermost time we see Dan Henderson.

Bisping -5.5 affliction Bisping, over 2.5 circuit 2.05, Bisping via 5 annular accommodation 5.20 – barrier Henderson in annular 1 7.00 .

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Vitor Belfort vs. Gegard Mousasi

Just aback bodies started to balloon about Victor Belfort, he came back. Belfort has some of the fastest finishes in UFC history and is consistently a blackmail in the aboriginal round.

Mousasi is one of the best abstruse and accurate strikers out there. He does not booty abounding affairs and is blessed boring breaking bodies bottomward with his strikes at a distance. He has a solid abject with acceptable grappling and appraisal defense.

Like abounding fights involving Belfort, Mousasi will accept to acclimate the aboriginal annular storm. Mousasi is a apathetic starter, but is additionally adamantine to advance into a bouncy match. Mousasi has aerial action IQ and will be blessed to let Belfort gas himself out in annular one.

Look for Mousasi to booty the high duke in annular 2 and 3. Mousasi -3.5 Mousasi via 3 annular accommodation 4.70 , Belfort in annular 1.

What are your picks for UFC 204? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Cover angel via Bitcoinist.