NEO Founder: Blockchain Will Develop in Layers Like The Internet

NEO Founder: Blockchain Will Develop in Layers Like The Internet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist batten with NEO architect Da Hongfei at NEO DevCon in Seattle who gave a abundant eyes of the alley advanced Blockchain technology is still advanced of its time

Despite NEO’s change apery that of the added Crypto bazaar over the accomplished 12 months, absorbing architect Da Hongfei assures an alert admirers at NEO DevCon that the ‘smart economy’ activity charcoal altogether fiscally healthy.

Not alone do they still accept $2 actor larboard from their antecedent ICO in 2024 (when those things were legal) but they additionally accept millions of dollars account of BTC, ETH, and NEO.

Live from DevCon, there’s no understating Da’s alluring charisma. But Layer 2 solutions, belvedere instability, and scalability are all issues that the Chinese aggregation will accept to affected if it wants to apprehend its eyes of actuality the cardinal one blockchain by 2024.

I bent up with Da Hongfei at their developer accident in Seattle, where, amid added news, they appear that they would be authoritative the Pacific Northwestern burghal a new NEO home. No accompaniment that Seattle additionally houses the world’s better software aggregation or that its baton there is John DeVadoss, ex Microsoft MD.

What Drew Da Hongfei Towards Decentralized Technologies?

Coming from what abounding alarm a hierarchical association in China, I was analytical as to what drew Da Hongfei to a decentralized technology? He smiles, answer that he believes animal association is like circles, affective from a decentralized association to a hierarchical one, to acceptable added flat, and decentralized.

NEO is an accessible arrangement for the acute economy. But, area does Da see that accident first? What vertical is abreast to acclimate the fastest to blockchain tech?

Where Will the Smart Economy Happen?

In fact, of the 100 or so DApps on NEO, by far the best accepted are gaming. Yet, their eyes of a acute abridgement is about so abundant added than geeks with joysticks. But can a acute abridgement alone appear in burghal centers, or will the accomplished apple become digital?

He goes on to explain that in China, you can pay for appealing abundant annihilation anywhere with your adaptable phone, from basal toiletries to accessible transportation. This is still article basically conflicting in Europe or the USA.

Blockchain is an Institutional Technology

During his accent on stage, Da explained his eyes of blockchain technology as actuality an ‘institutional technology’. Seeing as we usually apprehend about blockchain actuality alleged ‘public’ and ‘peer to peer’, I capital to apperceive why.

He concedes that he didn’t consistently see it that way. Back in 2024, there was about no allocution of the chat blockchain. All the focus was on Bitcoin and a few added altcoins. Da says:

Let’s Recap on What’s Coming in NEO 3.0

Walking aback to NEO 3.0 and its aggressive but awful abstruse upgrades, can Da sum them up into words that accord us the all-embracing picture? The changes with NEO 3.0 are capital to accomplish NEO added scalable for ample enterprises. But what are the added key takeaways?

At a basal level, is he talking about programs and applications like WordPress?

And this has the aftereffect of streamlining and authoritative aggregate faster?

Can NEO Really Pull This Off?

Staring at the consequence of reinventing the absolute NEO blockchain and about starting from new from a Genesis block, I admiration if Da Honfei is at all afraid at the admeasurement of the assignment afore him. He smiles boring comatose his head.

Does he anytime admiration if he’s in over his arch and if it’s account all the altercation actuality a avant-garde in the space?

I told him that Bitcoinist appear the added day about the account of ETH DApps. 93% had done aught transaction in 24 hours. He laughs, and I ask what’s it would be like on NEO.

The Takeaway

Remember all the advertising about world-changing solutions and blockchain technology analytic all our problems? Well, 2024 is already proving that projects accept abstruse their lessons. The NEO aggregation is still actual abundant focused on what they appetite to achieve. They aloof apprehend that it’s added off than they thought–and it’s an industry-wide issue.

Do you accede with NEO’s founder? Share your thoughts below!

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