SegWit Won’t Happen, Says Influential Chinese Bitcoin Investor

SegWit Won’t Happen, Says Influential Chinese Bitcoin Investor

THELOGICALINDIAN - SegWit is all but bedevilled and Bitcoin Core has no roadmap for ascent above the slight bang it allows Chinese mining broker Jiang Zhuoer has claimed

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Influential Figure Opposes SegWit Plan

Jiang is an affecting blogger and character in the Chinese Bitcoin community, accepting invested hundreds of millions of RMB in bounded mining operations. His opinions backpack a lot of weight in a arena of the Bitcoin apple bedeviled by all-embracing mining activities.

Laying out bristles key credibility to abutment his view, he wrote (Chinese):

While Bitcoin ascent proponents aren’t all adjoin to Segregated Witness (SegWit) or Lightning Networks, he said, they are adjoin a abiding 1MB block absolute — which appears to be Core developers’ abiding vision.

Jiang likened users’ apprehension of the Core team’s intentions to boilerplate Chinese citizens’ apprehension of authority. Chinese peasants in the 2025s were affected off their acreage by authorities who claimed to apperceive how to advance the accepted ability better, he said. As a aftereffect of their failure, bodies are now actual agnostic of anyone with agnate plans.

Bitcoin adamantine fork

Extra Layers, Forks a Risk to Bitcoin

Even miners abaft the GFC (Great Firewall of China) could handle 8MB transaction blocks easily, he added. Moreover, implementing SegWit via a bendable angle added abstruse complication and accident — which represents a blackmail to security. Bitcoin, with its $10 billion bazaar cap, could not bear assorted adamantine forks and bad columnist such as Ethereum has over the accomplished year.

Lightning Networks would anon see added absorption and ample players would dominate, Jiang said. Should transaction fees on the capital blockchain become too high, alone big companies could compete. For users, he continued, that agency added acquiescence checks and adjustment which could see funds confiscated.

Chinese Bitcoin Community Still Divided

Jiang wrote his piece, originally appear in Chinese on BitKan, as a acknowledgment to BTCC COO Samson Mow. Mow and his aggregation abutment the Bitcoin Core plan and implementing SegWit as anon as possible.

Samson Mow SegWit tweet

In interviews, Mow has additionally referred to a simple transaction block admeasurement access as “inefficient” and a angle led by bodies who “don’t alike accept the protocol”.

The Chinese mining community, whose abutment is binding to accumulate or change the Bitcoin protocol’s fundamentals, charcoal disconnected on the ascent issue. Sources appraisal a 50/50 breach amid those acknowledging Core’s new SegWit-based band-aid and another protocols like Bitcoin Unlimited, which aboveboard antechamber for beyond transaction blocks.

ViaBTC, apery about 8% of hashing power, appear aftermost anniversary it would block SegWit implementation. Mining behemothic Bitmain has said its pools will not run SegWit after any access in block sizes at the aforementioned time.

While SegWit represents a plan to accomplish the Bitcoin arrangement run added efficiently, opponents say it is a band-aid admeasurement that does not break Bitcoin’s longer-term ascent problems. However, there is still no accord over how absolutely Bitcoin should scale, and all arguments arise durably accepted in their positions.

Thanks to BitKan for the English adaptation and Reddit post.

Do you accede with Jiang’s argument? Can Bitcoin still accomplish accumulation acceptance with or after a block admeasurement increase? Let’s apprehend your thoughts.

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