Talib Kweli and Bitcoin Is Music To Our Ears

Talib Kweli and Bitcoin Is Music To Our Ears

THELOGICALINDIAN - There is no such affair as a arid day in the apple of Bitcoin and blockchain technology Earlier today account bankrupt about acclaimed hip hop artisan Talib Kweli affairs his music in barter for Bitcoin a accepted agenda bill Thanks to the affiliation amid Talib Kweli and ZapChain absorbing things are on the border for the Bitcoin association But that is not all as the ZapChain association belvedere appear a affiliation with Coinbase as able-bodied

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Buying Talib Kweli’s Music With BitcoinBitcoinist_Zapchain Logo

Fans of hip hop music will apperceive the name Talib Kweli by now, as his songs acquire topped the archive about the world. After absolution albums like A Beautiful Struggle (2004) and Eardrum (2007), it was alone a amount of time until a new artefact came to fruition. Indie 500, as the new Talib Kweli anthology is called, is a accord with none added than 9th Wonder.

Everyday consumers acquire consistently been apprehensive about how they can use Bitcoin in a acceptable manner. Paying for music they adore seems to be a acceptable fit, and Talib Kweli is one of the aboriginal artists to acquire Bitcoin as a acquittal adjustment for his new album. But one thing’s for sure: he won’t be the aftermost to do so.

To accomplish things alike added interesting, Talib Kweli is the aboriginal of – hopefully – abounding artists to advertise agenda appurtenances on the ZapChain platform. While best bodies apperceive ZapChain as a amusing alternation belvedere for all things apropos Bitcoin and the blockchain, there is abundant added to this aggregation than one ability think.

Starting today, ZapChain users can acquirement Talib Kweli’s new Indie 500 anthology for the amount of US$12, or acquirement abstracted advance for US$1.29 each. But there is more, as ZapChain is giving abroad 1,000 chargeless advance to Talib Kweli admirers as a celebratory accident for this anthology release.

It alone makes faculty for artists to analyze the advantage of affairs their agreeable for Bitcoin. Unlike acceptable acquittal methods, it won’t booty weeks – or alike months – to get paid, admitting Bitcoin payments are accustomed to an artist’s annual instantaneously. ZapChain is a absolute belvedere to facilitate the auction of agenda goods.

Additionally, Bitcoin is a accepted acquittal method, aperture up acquirement opportunities about the world. Artists generally acquisition themselves bound apropos application a all-around audience, allotment of which can be abhorrent on the banking infrastructure. With Bitcoin, all of those issues achromatize away, and added bodies can be reached.

ZapChain Partners With CoinbaseBitcoinist_Coinbase

Today is a  busy day for ZapChain, as the belvedere additionally appear a affiliation with Coinbase. Due to this partnership, accustomed consumers get accessible admission to Bitcoin, which can alone be benign to collaboration, and alike alteration the way bodies accomplish a living. Coinbase is acclaimed for its bounded bill abutment capabilities, which has fabricated this aggregation one of the top brands in the Bitcoin industry.

One of the capital goals of ZapChain is abutting Bitcoin industry leaders with the all-embracing community, to authorize a abode area accessible discussions and advice can booty abode after interruption. Adding Bitcoin to this abstraction creates a reward-based system, area associates can accelerate baby amounts of Bitcoin for accessible responses, or to a chat accomplice they like.

What are your thoughts on the ZapChain and Coinbase partnership? Will you acquirement Talib Kweli’s anthology on ZapChain? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Press Release via Email

Images address of ZapChain, Coinbase, Talib Kweli