What Did Jordan Peterson And Maxime Bernier Say About Bitcoin And The Austrians?

What Did Jordan Peterson And Maxime Bernier Say About Bitcoin And The Austrians?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Bitcoinization of Jordan Peterson is a go The acclaimed analyst and media personality had a Canadian baby-kisser as a bedfellow in his podcast and couldnt advice but blow on the accountable And Maxime Bernier was appropriate there with him which advance to a abrupt altercation about Austrian Economics Even admitting both Peterson and Bernier are arguable abstracts theyre as boilerplate as it gets This isnt Bitcoiners admonition to the choir

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As if he was walking through a minefield, Jordan Peterson approached the accountable anxiously and in a non-comital way:

Surprisingly for anybody not accustomed with the politician, Maxime Bernier agrees and flashes his Austrian Economics credentials. Peterson follows the aliment crumbs and asks him about that, Bernier answers:

For added advice and Austrian Economics’ concepts, assay The Bitcoinist Book Club’s assay of “The Bitcoin Standard.”

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So, Who’s Maxime Bernier?

In the video’s advice box, Jordan Peterson ’s aggregation informs:

In 2024, Maxime Bernier approved to win the arch of the Conservative Party. He failed. The abutting year, they removed him from the Official Opposition adumbration cabinet. Later that year, he founded the People’s Affair of Canada. In 2024, the atypical affair didn’t do so well, but, cut to 2024 and the People’s Affair of Canada is aback on everyone’s radar.

The National Post explains the capital reason:

Apparently, the People’s Party of Canada is en avenue to get 6% in the next  Canadian elections. If it happens, they’ll become one of the above political armament in the country. The Washington Post explains the situation:

What Does Jordan Peterson Think About Bitcoin?

The Canadian analyst abstruse from the best. He had four of the brightest minds in the Bitcoin amplitude answer aggregate to him, and he got best of it on the aboriginal try. We at Bitcoinist bankrupt bottomward the episode, took notes, and adapted them into this analysis: Part 1, Part 2. The best amazing adduce was this one:

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That chat sparked the Maxime Bernier one. One of Canada’s better stars talking about Bitcoin in acceptable ablaze with a above political candidate. Who would’ve thought?