Cryptopunks NFT Collection Joins Axie Infinity and Opensea by Hitting $1 Billion in Sales

Cryptopunks NFT Collection Joins Axie Infinity and Opensea by Hitting $1 Billion in Sales

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Saturday August 28 the nonfungible badge NFT activity Cryptopunks beyond 1 billion in alltime sales Cryptopunks joins the ample NFT hitters Axie Infinitys 16 billion and Openseas 353 billion

Three NFT Projects Have Sold More Than a Billion-Dollars in Sales

The non-fungible badge activity Cryptopunks is now a billion-dollar NFT accumulating as statistics appearance best sales broke $1.095 billion, according to data. Cryptopunks has a agglomeration of annal on’s “top sales” page, in agreement of NFT sales. Cryptopunks is aloof beneath Opensea ($3.54B) and Axie Infinity ($1.68B) in agreement of best sales.

Cryptopunks NFT Collection Joins Axie Infinity and Opensea by Hitting $1 Billion in Sales

The better auction apparent on August 28, is Cryptopunk #8888 which awash for 888.8 ether or $2.87 million. There’s additionally Cryptopunk #9373 which awash for 499.99 ether on Saturday or almost $1.63 actor application ethereum (ETH) barter ante at the time of sale.

Cryptopunk #2310 awash for 380 ETH or $1.23 million, Cryptopunk #9100 awash for 350 ether or $1.14 million, and Cryptopunk #7674 awash for 342.69 ether or $1.11 actor on Saturday afternoon (ET).

According to bazaar stats, Cryptopunk is aloof beneath Artblocks this anniversary in agreement of sales. While Artblocks saw 24,454 sales which add up to $228 million, seven-day statistics appearance Cryptopunk saw alone 686 sales but additionally saw $173 actor settled.

One Entity Owns 254 Cryptopunks, NBA Top Shot Sales Taps $671 Million

There are 10,000 Cryptopunks minted and today, 2,888 different wallets authority at atomic one Cryptopunk NFT. One article owns a absolute of 254 punks and 75% of jailbait owners own at atomic two Cryptopunks. The project’s sales beyond seven canicule accept jumped 750% and Cryptopunks saw $144.605 actor in sales amid 343 traders.

In agreement of best sales, Cryptopunks $1.095 billion is able-bodied aloft the blow of the projects listed on NBA Top Shot has $671 actor in best sales, Rarible has $197 million, and Superrare has $103 actor on August 28.

What do you anticipate about Cryptopunks borer $1 billion in best sales? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Cryptopunks, Larva Labs,