John McAfee Joins Blockchain Firm's Security Committee

John McAfee Joins Blockchain Firm's Security Committee

THELOGICALINDIAN - Torontobased Equibit Development Corporation EDC is a blockchainbased balance annals startup that aloof appear IT aegis able John McAfee as an adviser McAfee will be a chief adviser to the companys aegis committee

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Cryptographically-Secure Routing System on Multiple Blockchains

edcDecentralized OTC balance belvedere aggregation EDC uses blockchain technology to administer OTC equity, warrants, and more. The aggregation declared that Equibit is a cryptographically-secure acquisition arrangement that can aggrandize aloft assorted blockchains. Moreover, the startup claims Equibit issuers can amend actor registers, administer earnings, and aggregate votes in absolute time. With McAfee’s help, the aggregation says it aims to accompany acute aegis to the EDC environment.

“I admonish assorted boards of admiral for companies in the cyber aegis field. I do this because the world’s cyber aegis systems lag far abaft absolute weaponized software and if we do not all cull calm again I abhorrence that mankind’s approaching is ambiguous at best,” explained McAfee.

Pushing Security Boundaries

EDC says the startup has afresh completed its aboriginal supernode which manages “private key generation, encryption, decryption and agenda signatures in hardware.” It aims to body a abounding web belvedere on top of the supernode protocol. Institutions the close says will additionally accept admission to the supernode through an API.

The startup said its Equibit arrangement is anchored through the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). The belvedere will accredit censorship aggressive OTC trading, bazaar data, automated messaging, and unforgeable equities. CEO Chris Horlacher is absolute McAfee will accompany all-inclusive ability to the close with his acquaintance as a billion dollar aegis tycoon.   

“We’re honoured and captivated to be alive with John McAfee. With his ascribe and advancing guidance, EDC will abide to set the aegis accepted for blockchain services,” said Horlacher. “We allotment his abiding charge to IT aegis and, with his help, will abide to advance the boundaries of what’s accessible in this industry.”

Reinventing the Securities Industry

EDC will conduct a crowdsale in January of 2017 to calibration its service. The aggregation says it has additionally bankrupt an angel annular with a $3 actor appraisal with a UK broker allotment the startup with $150,000 USD. The aggregation said its appliance will amalgamate Bitcoin with Bitmessage protocols congenital on the firm’s custom blockchain “specifically for creating and tracking aggregation shares.”

“Blockchain technology has the abeyant to reinvent the balance industry,” Horlacher said. “With Equibit, issuers can deeply acquaint with their shareholders, aggregate votes, administer earnings, and amend their actor registers in real-time, at little to no cost.”

What do you anticipate about John McAfee advising the Equibit Development Corporation? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Pixabay, and EDC websites. is ramping up our accoutrement area with a array of useful Bitcoin-related applications. There’s a amount converter, cardboard wallet generator, a faucet, and a verifier to validate letters application the Bitcoin blockchain. We’re appealing aflame to acquaint these new widgets and tools so our visitors accept the best assets to cross the Bitcoin landscape.