Now You Can Make Introductions At Scale – and Get Rewarded For It

Now You Can Make Introductions At Scale – and Get Rewarded For It

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ever had two accompany acquaintances or coworkers who you anticipation would accomplish a abundant bout but you could aloof never actually amount out how to acquaint them properlyOr maybe theres a acquaintance of a acquaintance who is actually bead asleep attractive but it doesnt assume appropriate for you to ask to be introducedWell blockchain technology has assuredly fabricated it accessible And it alike pays its associates for authoritative admired introductions

Good access are adamantine to make, and the aboriginal introductions can change lives. However, as it stands, there are few satisfactory means to accomplish admired introductions.

That’s area the new decentralized blockchain app, Ponder, comes in to ample the gaps.

Instead of application an algorithm to bout up couples like every added dating app out there, Ponder utilizes animal affiliation to let users accomplish the matches.

Undoubtedly, users are far bigger at admiration whether adolescent users will be a accordant bout than an algorithm will be. Generic algorithms are about appealing alarming at admiration matches, and no online dating aggregation has anytime absolutely opened up about how able their algorithms are.

As it stands, online dating isn’t alive well. Less than 25% of online daters acquisition a relationship. Even added shockingly, it is estimated that less than 2% of letters beatific out by men are anytime absolutely replied to.

It is hoped that by affective users to advance added amusing basic into the online dating action and alive to advice anniversary other, abounding of these problems will be resolved.

If two users who are akin adjudge that they like anniversary other, they will anniversary pay a fee of $10 in adjustment to affix further. The agent will again accept $10 for themselves, and the added $10 will be acclimated to armamentarium the application.

This bulk will again be added to the user’s balance, which they can accept either to abjure or to absorb on award matches for themselves. It is hoped that this will authenticate the bright alteration of ‘value’ amid matchmakers and matchees.

If the brace adjudge to accommodated up and they really hit it off and eventually adjudge to marry, the agent will be beatific $1,000.

If that isn’t an allurement to set up your friends, again what is?

Play Matchmaker For Friends and Strangers

The bold mechanics and banking rewards out of this belvedere accomplish matchmaking a fun and agitative process.

The different annoyance and bead interface makes it easier than anytime for users to bout users together.

Token holders can alike actualize sub-communities – for example, for users based in a assertive area, or for those with specific hobbies – that they can matchmake within.

While the capital focus for Ponder is assuredly to advice bodies acquisition romance, the app additionally has abounding added uses.

It’s not aloof for dating – anybody can booty part. Whether you’re actively distinct or in a committed relationship, there will be article for you to do.

Ponder is advised to be acclimated to accommodated others in contexts area assurance is a analytical component. For example, recruiting new agents members, award business partners, analytic for roommates, and selecting babysitters or petsitters.

The platform’s ultimate eyes is to become the go-to abode for affair new bodies in all contexts.

Not Just for Dating

The belvedere will additionally affection the ‘Ponder Gold’ badge in accession to its accepted ‘Ponder Dollars’ currency.

This will be an ERC-20 standard-based Ethereum token. They can be purchased during the accessible token sale, or aural the appliance in the abreast future.

Its allowances include:

Due to the technology abaft the application, all advice about the users will be calm and transferred deeply and transparently.

Before accepting admission to Ponder tokens, users will be appropriate to canyon through the Civic character administration platform. This is advised to access the activity of assurance aural the application’s ecosystem.

It is hoped that amalgamation blockchain with online dating will accomplish the action safer, added fun, and ultimately added accomplishing in the future.

What are your thoughts on Ponder? Are you added acceptable to appetite to accommodated addition that a computer akin you up with or addition to whom you were alien by addition person? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Ponder, Pexels, AdobeStock