Best Bang for your Bit: 7 Incredible Crypto Deals Right Now

Best Bang for your Bit: 7 Incredible Crypto Deals Right Now


It’s buck season, but that doesn’t beggarly you accept to stop buying. Sure, you ability absorb all your time scrounging through recycling bins and abridgement coupons out of newspaper, but there are still abounding places to get crypto at abatement prices. 

Although exchanges like Coinbase allegation a advanced spread, there are abounding bargains about if you’re not captious about area you get them. Some lesser-known exchanges action appealing abrupt discounts, and can acquaint you absolutely area to look.

There are a few catches—most of these high-gain trades absorb alone a few thousand USD of volume, and arbitrage opportunities ability vanish as bound as they appear. However, if you’ve got time to spare, here’s how alike the best satoshi-pinching investors can get their easily on some bargain crypto. 

Bitcoin Diamond To USD ( 660% Over Spot)

It’s not all red, and one angle is accepting a appealing acceptable anniversary indeed. Bitcoin Diamond acquired 300% profits in a few days. Although the amount has back settled, it’s still a adequate accretion if you’ve been hodling. 

Here’s how you can get the best out of your cash-out, if you appear to accept invested heavily in long-shot forks. Send your Diamonds to Kucoin, and alteration them to ethers or approved old bitcoins, which can be awash for a exceptional on Bitflip or the Waves Dex:

Ontology for Quantum( 113%)

Trading one ERC-20 for addition is usually adequately straightforward, back they’re both based on the Ethereum blockchain. Things get added absorbing if you appetite to barter tokens from one blockchain for those for another. There isn’t a beeline avenue amid them, but those complications can accomplish for some able opportunities if you’re acute abundant to booty advantage of them. 

As a case in point, swapping Ontology (NEP-5) can get a nice 113% accretion for Qtum, which afresh larboard Ethereum to barrage its own capital net. All you accept to do is advertise your ONT for BTC, and barter the Bitcoins on BCEX, an barter amid in Vancouver. 

USD for Nano ( 50% over Spot)

Remember back Nano was account $27? Neither do we. The aftermost time this activity had a acceptable week, it was still alleged RaiBlocks and could alone be bought on Bitgrail. 

You ability accept absent your adventitious for sub-dollar Nano this month, but that doesn’t beggarly you can’t get a bargain. Just barter your dollars for ethers on Stocks.Exchange, and again you accept a best of several exchanges to buy nano at a nice buy-one-get-one deal. Just don’t leave them on an barter this time. 

EOS for Tronix ( 140% Over Spot)

Perhaps you’re one of the abounding investors who’ve been aghast by the abounding stumbles in the EOS ecosystem, starting with the mainnet launch(if not, indeed, earlier). Meanwhile, Tron has been analogously scandal-free. 

You could barter your EOS for Tronix on Binance, but that would leave a accomplished lot of agenda money on the table. Or, you could barter EOS for bitcoins on Exrates, an Indonesian barter with actual favorable prices. From there, it’s a quick hop to several exchanges area TRX tokens are dirt-cheap. 

Nano for PRL

Or conceivably you’ve got a acceptable activity about aftermost years’ greatest hits. The Oyster activity has had a appealing bearish summer, and afterwards a 98.5% bead it’s either a asleep coin….or one hell of a bargain. 

If you’re starting with dollars, chase the instructions aloft for affairs Nano. Then, barter your bargain nanos for ethers on HitBTC, which can be calmly traded for alike cheaper Pearl tokens on Kucoin.

So far we’ve mostly aching the arrangement bins for less-known bill or rarely-traded Bitcoin clones. But what if you capital to accumulate your funds in top coins? 

Doge for Doge ( 23% gains)

One of the treasured refrains in the Dogecoin association is that a artifice will consistently be account one doge, authoritative it the best reliable stablecoin of all. 

Crypto Briefing is now admiring to address that, in contravention of the accustomed rules of economics and accepted sense, a dogecoin is now account decidedly added than a distinct dogecoin. You can now barter your clutter for as abundant as 23% percent added pups—assuming you can get through the altercation of KYC, that is. 

All you accept to do is barter your DOGE for BTC on Graviex, and accelerate them to CoinEgg to bandy them aback for a puppy premium. You do accept to absorb money on the Bitcoin transaction as able-bodied as fees, but you’ll accomplish a accumulation as continued as you accept added than $0.60 in Dogecoin to trade. 

Bitcoin for Bitcoin ( 30% Gains)

If you awash best of your bitcoins in January, you’ve apparently spent the aftermost eight months with your feel nervously ambit the “buy” button. It’s adamantine to time the market, and there’s annihilation worse than second-guessing yourself afterwards.

Now you can abound your stack—without accepting to buy aback in. Several markets action premiums of over 30% on BTC, mostly by trading for low-fee bill like BitMark or Nano. 

The catch? Best of those premiums appear from less-reliable exchanges. When the best acclaimed abode for your barter is HitBTC, you ability be in trouble. 

All this makes for a fun exercise, but stops a little array of a appropriate moneymaker. Most of these trades depend on acutely low-liquidity markets in less-than-reputable exchanges. If you’re attractive for a fun bank exercise, Coinlib’s Best Price Tool ability be a acceptable way to annihilate an afternoon. If you appetite to get rich, attending about else.

The columnist has investments in several agenda assets mentioned here.