Armor Finance Denies User $1.6 Million Insurance Claim

Armor Finance Denies User $1.6 Million Insurance Claim

THELOGICALINDIAN - A disgrunted DeFi user says Armor Finance didnt assure his advance

DeFi allowance account Armor Finance has been accused of abetment out of a $1.6 actor allowance claim, according to one of its bearding clients.

User Claims He Was Defrauded

Kferretcrypto, who says he was defrauded, attempted to achieve an allowance affirmation apropos a Nexus Mutual investment. The user claims that his purchase, which he originally fabricated for 13 ETH, is “now acceptable account a 1000 ETH payout” ($1.6 million) due to a Yearn Finance hack that afflicted prices.

However, Kferretcrypto does not accept absolute admission to the investment, as he angry it into an arNFT and staked it with Armor Finance to access allowance on his purchase.

Kferretcrypto has requested that Armor absolution his funds, claiming that he should be “free to abjure and affirmation the awning as promised.” He additionally offered $125,000 to advice balance Armor’s losses.

He claims that Armor accomplished the abandonment but eventually “backtracked” to accumulate the advance bulk for themselves.

Armor Replies to Kferretcrypto

So far, Armor Finance has denied Kferretcrypto’s allowance claim. It says that during the accordant hack, “there was alone 1 acceptable arNFT that was submitted account 1000 ETH.”

Armor’s decision-makers advance that back none of its users incurred a accident in the hack, the affirmation bulk belongs to its treasury. The aggregation will add the 1000 ETH accolade to its treasury assets and access absent NXM due to the affirmation to bottle their stake. The Armor Treasury Assets will additionally awning all or allotment for the 400 ETH affirmation awaiting Nexus Mutual’s approval.

Armor Finance has additionally alien a new reinsurance arrangement accouterment “coverage for advantage providers” for greater protection. However, according to Armor Finance, the claims are “owned by and owed to Armor,” giving it ultimate ascendancy over such matters.

Reportedly, the user was offered addition $500,000 adjustment on their Discord channel, but alike those talks failed. That said, Armor Finance has additionally adumbrated that Kferretcrypto’s allowance affirmation is still active. It additionally says that conversations amid Kferretcrypto and Armor CEO Azeem Ahmed were informal. As such, its attitude on the amount ability change in the future.

This is not the aboriginal altercation accompanying to Anchor Finance. Previously, Ahmed was complex in the aboriginal sell-off of SAFE clamminess token, which acquired Nexus Mutual to run out of DeFi coverage. 

Disclosure: The columnist captivated Bitcoin at the time of publication.