Could BAT Be The Next Coinbase Listing?

Could BAT Be The Next Coinbase Listing?


A Coinbase advertisement is generally captivated up as the consummate accomplishment for a project. This is partly because the barter keeps its assets exclusive, but additionally because it is the best accepted fiat-to-crypto platform. Listed tokens are automatically added attainable than they anytime were previously. The contempo billow in the Basic Absorption Token amount comes as rumors over a BAT Coinbase advertisement abide circulating. Is this article we should pay absorption to?

The BAT amount has been bit-by-bit upwards for a while now. The badge was trading at about $0.13 in mid-September and steadily started to ascend appear the end of the month. Tokens hit $0.17 by the alpha of October but surged amid through the month. Within the amplitude of a week, BAT went from $0.18 to $0.28. Per badge that’s not that much, but it represented a $100bn addition for the coin’s bazaar cap. Tokens accept aback adapted aback to about $0.24.

So what’s causing the surge? The activity hasn’t appear any above developments. The alone absolute story, different to Coinbase, is the new Brave Browser is reportedly the fastest yet.  According to the project’s blog post, its amount time is on boilerplate 22% faster than the earlier version.

But is this abundant to explain accretion broker enthusiasm? Maybe, maybe not. It aloof so happens to accompany with belief over a abeyant BAT Coinbase listing.

A new Coinbase advertisement policy

The sector’s favorite past time acclimated to be academic which asset was abutting in band for a Coinbase listing. Crypto Briefing was not allowed to this. Our own Andrew Macdonald went abysmal into which projects he anticipation were the acceptable candidates. He got one appropriate back the decentralized barter coin, 0x (ZRX), was listed beforehand this month.

But the times are a’changing. Coinbase updated its advertisement action in backward September. No best will the barter apathy pleas for added assets. The new mission is to account assets, and account them fast.

In a blog post aftermost month, Coinbase said it would “rapidly” account all of the assets that met acknowledged requirements as able-bodied as its own standards. The barter now asks projects to abide an appliance for their consideration, which they’ll again appraise adjoin their Digital Asset Framework.

“With this about-face in process, our barter can apprehend us to account best assets over time that accommodated our standards,” Coinbase said.

Is BAT abutting in line?

The Basic Attention Badge works, as allotment of the blockchain-based Brave Browser, to abode the systemic issues in agenda advertising; something Crypto Briefing has touched on before.  BAT is a account token, accepted to be acclimated by advertisers to balance publishers for their ad-space, as able-bodied as to users for watching or beat on adverts.

So does BAT accommodated the mark? That depends on whether it fits in with Coinbase’s Digital Asset Framework. There are six categories, such as whether a proposed asset suits the exchange’s amount mission and ethics as able-bodied as whether the technology is of a aerial abundant standard. Whether there’s a alive artefact as able-bodied as its all-embracing account and legaility, decidedly in the US.

BAT fulfills abounding of the requirements. It has so far abhorred exceptionable absorption by American regulators. Although Brave hosted an ICO aftermost year – for which it aloft $36m –  the activity fabricated abiding to accommodate disclaimers in its whitepaper that it did not affiance any banking returns. This is crucial. Abounding projects accept faced burden by the SEC to acknowledgment tokens awash during ICOs because they appropriate the tokens would acceleration in value, authoritative them an actionable aegis sale.

The cardinal of account alive users on Brave has tripled, from 1m in December 2024, to 3m by the average of July, this year. It has additionally broadcast its announcement archetypal to YouTube, alms agreeable creators the befalling to accomplish some array of acknowledgment from marketing. This not alone shows a alive artefact but additionally that the Brave Ledger – what BAT works on – is scalable. That the Brave Browser is convalescent in acceleration shows it can abide to access its capability as it onboards new users.

Is BAT decentralized enough?

Not aggregate about BAT will bout altogether to Coinbase’s requirements; the barter requires that listed assets are decentralized protocols. Industry abstracts accept criticized the Brave aggregation for agreement themselves in a position of power. To date, they actuate the admeasurement of BAT that goes appear publishers and users.

That said, Coinbase is hardly in a position to canyon judgment. It has continued been a bazaar maker. Team associates aural Ethereum Classic (ETC) accept said they acquainted “vindicated” aback they were listed on the exchange’s servers in aboriginal June. The activity has aback apparent increased developer activity and users abiding aback to the fold.

Coinbase may say its committed to the decentralized agenda, but it has no affairs to abandon its advantaged position.

Convenience at the affection of a BAT Coinbase listing

The accommodation may not be fabricated on aerial principle. Coinbase has continued said it would abutment ERC20 tokens, two of which are 0x and BAT.  It accepted that one of the chief factors abaft the ETC advertisement was its abstruse affinity to Ether (ETH), which the barter had listed aback in 2016. ERC20 tokens all allotment assertive abstruse similarities, to run off Ethereum.

Coinbase wants to access the amount at which it lists tokens. Although there are affluence of high-quality agenda assets, like Cardano (ADA), which users are clamoring to be listed, they assignment off abstracted blockchains. More abstruse hurdles will apathetic the exchange’s advertisement rate; it has far beneath assignment to do with ERC20s tokens.

Ignoring the community’s pleas for answers, Coinbase continues to adore acting the sphinx. Considering the way 0x appeared on Coinbase a few canicule prior to the antecedent announcement, we may acquisition out about the BAT Coinbase advertisement on the Monday, and be able to barter it on the Friday.

We’ll all aloof accept to pay attention. There should be a badge for that.

The columnist is invested in ETH, which is mentioned in this article.