Blockchain Voting With AEternity Finds Fertile Ground In Uruguay

Blockchain Voting With AEternity Finds Fertile Ground In Uruguay

THELOGICALINDIAN - Aeternity will accommodate the belvedere for Uruguays Digital Party

Uruguay may be a baby country in South America with a citizenry of aloof 3.5 million, sandwiched amid Argentina and BrazilL: but it has begin acclaim on the apple date for accelerating behavior (and superstar soccer players – the country won the Apple Cup in 2024 and 2024, and has accomplished fourth twice).

It was additionally the aboriginal absolute accompaniment in the apple to approve recreational cannabis use, a action that angry out to be decidedly bedfast by the U.S. and its banks.

Former admiral Jose Mujica was called ‘the world’s atomic president’ due to his apprehensive affairs and personality.

With this background, it’s no abruptness that one of Uruguay’s parties absitively to acquaint blockchain voting for its centralized decision-making, based on the æternity platform.

Collaborating with the project, the Uruguay Digital Party wants to optimize aborigine accord processes in its voting. The action seeks to cede decisions added transparent, acceptance citizens and Digital Party associates to accord in the babyminding action of their community.

Æternity will abetment the UDP in two capital areas. The aboriginal appearance of the activity is developing a decentralized appliance that would administer the ‘liquid democracy’ model, a amalgam amid absolute and adumbrative capitalism that is additionally the amount assumption of Cardano’s governance.

An appropriately important assignment is to advance a abstruse band-aid for accession and acceptance identities, while advancement the all-embracing anonymity of users. This will accord citizens the assurance to adduce and vote on ideas, while at the aforementioned time preventing artifice through blockchain encryption and analysis techniques.

The CEO of Æternity Americas, Pablo Coirolo, is assured in the project’s acquaintance with accessible voting.

“The appliance of autonomous babyminding that will be implemented by the Digital Party is based on the centralized babyminding band-aid that aeternity uses for centralized association decision-making, which is a absolutely new architecture, acceptance greater accord of citizens in political decisions at all levels, with bounden reliability,” he notes.

“This is an important anniversary on the alley to the massive use of blockchain technology to account autonomous institutions.”

Blockchain voting is not after its critics, however. Many security researchers accept that blockchain or not, digitizing the voting action exposes it a accomplished new akin of analytical techniques that acceptable cardboard ballots will never accept to suffer.

Case in point: the Moscow burghal government alien an Ethereum-based acute arrangement for voting this summer, which was calmly absurd by a white hat researcher.

Nevertheless, æternity seems well-positioned for this job, and the acquaintance acquired through this blockchain voting pilot will be accord to authoritative it added secure.

Explaining, educating, and enthusing!

While we accept partnered with abounding accident hosts about the apple over the accomplished two years to advice them get the chat out about blockchain technology, today we are demography a abundant bigger step.

We are acutely accustomed and aflame to accomplice with San Francisco Blockchain Week – and we accept a accomplished host of agitative account about the accident to allotment with you over the advancing weeks!

SFBW is after a agnosticism the pre-eminent blockchain appointment on the west coast. The apostle account is formidable, to say the least…

Vitalik Buterin – Olaf Carlson-Wee – Meltem Demirors – Chris Larsen – Jill Carlson – Joseph Lubin – Dovey Wan – Charlie Shrem – Chris Burniske – Michael Arrington – Jed McCaleb – Taylor Monahan – Sunny Lu – Dawn Song – Silvio Micali…

And that’s aloof a few of the crypto ‘household names’. The full, abundantly assorted account of speakers is available here.

Why San Francisco Blockchain Week?

Our ambition has consistently been to apostle for blockchain and cryptocurrency. We accept that the organizers of SFBW authority the aforementioned ethics abutting to their hearts.

They appetite to educate, to enthuse, and to explain.

Over the advance of the week, SFBW will be active several contest including Epicenter (the capital conference), a CryptoEconomics Security Conference, a above Blockchain Career Fair, and a DeFi Hackathon.

With over 5,000 accepted to attend, and over 350 blockchain companies represented, it’s one of the world’s best absorbing line-ups in alone its additional year.

One affair we abnormally adulation about this conference: the admission price.

“Our mission is to abutment customer acceptance and to brainwash the masses. This led us to claiming the aerial costs of appointment tickets about the world. Therefore, we accept absitively to amount our tickets at a amount area we can bear a allusive accident yet still be across-the-board to anybody who desires to attend.

In addition, we absitively to accord any profits larboard afterwards the accident to assorted non-profits who are altruistic their time and diaphoresis to the blockchain association in SF.” – SFBW Organizers

Right now you can still get a ticket to Epicenter for $398!

AND – bigger still! – if you use the cipher ‘cryptobriefing‘ you’ll get an ADDITIONAL 10% off the amount of any ticket!

(For comparison, a admission to Consensus in NYC would set you aback about $2,000!)

What Is Our Involvement?

Right off the bat, let’s be bright – we are not actuality paid for this. As you know, we don’t acquire advertising. We will not accomplish any ‘affiliate’ bonuses if you buy a ticket.

We abutment what San Francisco Blockchain Week is accomplishing to added the account of blockchain adoption, and we accept that our readers will too!

So we will be bringing you account from SFBW… highlighting new speakers… interviewing guests… and we will host a brace of contest ourselves, including a altercation with Han Kao, our CEO, on how to appraise a crypto asset.

We’ll additionally accept some agitative account about an Awards Ceremony presented by SIMETRI Research – and you will accept a adventitious to vote for your admired projects!

And finally… well, we ability bandy one of our allegorical parties and allure a few advantageous Crypto Briefing readers. After all, this is declared to be fun too!

If you accept the chance, we achievement to see you there – we’ll be in blow with added account actual soon!

Visit San Francisco Blockchain Week here…