CoinMarketCap Offers $400,000 Crypto Reward Quiz

CoinMarketCap Offers $400,000 Crypto Reward Quiz

THELOGICALINDIAN - This time The Sandboxs SAND tokens are on offer

CoinMarketCap has appear addition Acquire campaign, which allows investors to acknowledgment quiz questions and acquire cryptocurrency.

CoinMarketCap Offers $400,000

This annular will administer tokens for The Sandbox, a Minecraft-like voxel game. The SAND badge is currently the 318th better cryptocurrency on the market, with a bazaar cap of $28 million.

This is the site’s better attack to date, as $400,000 account of SAND is available. Each actor is elegible to acquire $10 account of the badge (250 SAND), for a best of 40,000 participants.

Previous giveaways from CoinMarketCap broadcast altcoins for projects including Orchid, Helium, Kava, and Band Protocol. The Orchid and Helium campaigns are still accepting entries.

To participate, users alone charge to appearance a abrupt tutorial and acknowledgment a alternation of questions. Details can be apparent on this page.

The Binance Connection

Binance’s recent acquisition of CoinMarketCap additionally comes into play: CoinMarketcap has absitively to administer SAND tokens alone to absolute barter users for KYC acquiescence reasons.

For what are apparently affidavit of convenience, alone Binance users are acceptable to participate in this round. The armpit addendum that this action will ensure that “rewards [are] delivered cautiously and on time” and that it will additionally “prevent affected accounts from demography rewards.”

The Sandbox agitated out its IEO on Binance, acceptation that this accurate Earn betrayal is acceptable allotment of Binance’s all-embracing efforts to bazaar the new badge above the exchange.

Though this is not necessarily a battle of interest, it reaffirms the abstraction that Binance and CoinMarketCap are alive calm strategically, and that the accretion was not artlessly financial.