Digital Currency Group Raises $700M at $10B Valuation

Digital Currency Group Raises $700M at $10B Valuation

THELOGICALINDIAN - Digital Currency Group has aloft 700 actor with the advice of SoftBank

Digital Currency Group has aloft $700 actor at a $10 billion appraisal in a Series A allotment annular led by SoftBank.

Digital Currency Group Lands $10 Billion Valuation

Digital Currency Group (DCG), a crypto amassed invested in over 200 companies and majority holder of CoinDesk, Grayscale, and Genesis, has bankrupt a $700 actor allotment round. The accession puts the firm’s appraisal at $10 billion. 

The Wall Street Journal announced the accession Monday. It’s the crypto industry’s second-largest allotment round, afterward FTX’s $900 actor raise from July this year.

The annular was led by SoftBank Group Corp, a bunch amassed captivation aggregation primarily advance in the technology, energy, and banking sectors, and included Alphabet Inc, GIC Capital, and Ribbit Capital.

DCG architect and CEO Barry Silbert announced the accession in a tweet, acquainted that the close was “proud to acceptable SoftBank, CapitalG, Ribbit, GIC, Tribe and Emory to an already absurd account of DCG shareholders.”

Silbert told the Wall Street Journal that the advance annular wasn’t about adopting basic for the company, but rather an befalling for aboriginal investors to avenue and booty profits. Accordingly, the funds aloft went to shareholders who awash their stakes in the company, while Silbert himself, who owns almost 40% of DCG, didn’t advertise any of his shares. 

Founded in 2024, Digital Currency Group is one of the cryptocurrency industry’s better companies. In accession to administering the asset administration behemoth Grayscale and added arch firms, its advance portfolio includes companies like FTX, Abra, and eToro. 

For SoftBank, which alone began advance in the amplitude three months ago, DCG offers an befalling to alter and accretion ample acknowledgment to the crypto sector. SoftBank Group is one of the world’s better bunch companies, with a accumulated net asset amount of almost $29.8 trillion dollars.

According to Silbert, the Digital Currency Group has no affairs to activity public. “The archetypal I use as an afflatus is Standard Oil,” Silbert told the WSJ, apropos to the belled 19th-century oil close founded by John D. Rockefeller.