EOS' Biggest Problem Is Governance, Not The ICO

EOS' Biggest Problem Is Governance, Not The ICO

THELOGICALINDIAN - Shortterm accretion at the amount of longterm development

The ICO catechism may have been settled aftermost night, but the SEC could be the atomic of  EOS‘ problems. Significant changes to the EOS babyminding archetypal in contempo months are casting agnosticism on the abiding sustainability of the platform, and adopting questions  about the decentralized attributes of the network.

Rohan Abraham is the co-founder of EOS Authority, an official EOS block charlatan and wallet provider, which was one of the aboriginal block producers for the EOS network. Along with twenty added BP’s, EOS Authority was amenable for accepting the arrangement in acknowledgment for a allotment of the block reward.

“The aboriginal block producers, for the best part, were actual technically minded,” Abraham explained to Crypto Briefing. Companies like EOS Authority were fatigued in by the eyes of an another acute arrangement belvedere and put a lot of assignment into it, with few guarantees of success.

“We aloof absolutely admired the idea,” he said. When the belvedere assuredly launched in the summer of 2024, the aboriginal BPs anchored bugs and congenital out the ecosystem in acknowledgment for a allotment of the block reward. EOS Authority acclimated its block accolade to actualize a accomplished apartment of abstracts tools, which it fabricated advisedly accessible to the community.

But the cachet quo has afflicted back then. “Many of the aboriginal block producers didn’t accept abounding tokens,” explained Abraham, and were gradually replaced by exchanges, like Binance, Huobi and Bitfinex, who acclimated their ample badge pools to get themselves into the top-twenty one.

Things absolutely came to arch in April of this year, back the acting architecture was replaced by a new EOS User Agreement (EUA).

Passed by a vote of 15 of the 21 BPs, the simplified EUA outlined the responsibilities of the user and the BP. The best cogent change was to omit a article which absolutely forbade vote-buying. Aspiring block producers could now buy votes from the community, as able-bodied as from anniversary other, in adjustment to defended and authority assimilate their BP status.

Almost overnight, new entities, mostly based in China, came assimilate the arena alms a allotment of the block accolade in barter for the community’s votes. “If you’re a alpha badge holder, you can either vote for one of the aboriginal block producers or you can absolutely vote for somebody who will pay you back,” says Abraham.

Sure enough, the aboriginal block producers began bottomward off the agenda of BP candidates, either bottomward assimilate standby or shutting bottomward their services. Only a scattering now remain, and alike EOS New York, which aboriginal proposed the EUA, fell from fourth to its accepted rank at 33rd.

In aboriginal September, EOS Tribe – additionally an aboriginal BP – appear its abandonment from EOS altogether. In an official blog post, they complained that a “corruption” of the babyminding archetypal agency that BPs are now called in vote-buying deals rather than on merit, arch to a “mediocre performance” that culminated in declining transactions.

EOS Authority, which was already the second-largest BP by staked votes, is still captivation on. It is currently in standby mode, acceptation it is accessible to defended the arrangement should any of the alive BPs shutdown. But admitting they had ahead accustomed 800 EOS per day, Abraham says that their assets had now been bargain to aloof 200 EOS.

“There’s a lot of ambiguity for us,” he said. Besides acquisitive for an accretion badge amount to account the accident in income, Abraham knows that this is not acceptable for the long-term. They accept amorphous to feel the squeeze. “There were cipher reviews we acclimated to do,” Abraham says, but can’t now because we don’t accept the budget.”

Lack of development funding

The change in allocations has a abundant broader appulse on the EOS community. Whereas aboriginal BPs acclimated funds to actualize accoutrement and body the ecosystem, there’s a addiction amid the newer bearing to either accumulate the rewards for themselves or allotment them amid their voters.

“All the funds that acclimated to go to the founding BPs, who again fabricated lots of API tools, are now been absent into the easily of badge holders,” Abraham said. In the short-term, that has already led to a abridgement in ecosystem development and impacted abounding community-funded projects.

In May, BPs absitively to bake added than 34M EOS captivated in the accumulation annual because they could not accede on a apparatus to administer it to dApps. A angle to use the accumulated basic to actualize a Dev Fund didn’t alike canyon the antecedent voting stage.

The accumulation account, which is still live, holds added than $52M account of EOS at the time of writing.

“The archetypal is fundamentally problematic,” explains Jake Yocom-Piatt, advance organizer at the decentralized babyminding platform, Decred (DCR). Yocom-Piatt predicts a action of accelerated absorption that will abrade any common accord system, and alter it with “a thinly-veiled central-planning committee.”

Abraham is still not assertive what the abiding ramifications could be, but he worries the association will anon accept to alpha advantageous for appearance that were ahead free.

One archetype is the coast cardinal of History APIs, which acquiesce users to chase and clue actual transactions. EOS Asia, which aforetime ran one of the best accepted History APIs in the APAC region, announced in November that it would abandon abutment due to “cost concerns.”

While there acclimated to be added than thirty companies alms History APIs, currently there are alone one or two entities that are still able to action them.

Can EOS fix its babyminding model?

Many abhorrence that the EOS babyminding archetypal is boring actuality dismantled. Some of the better apropos appear from the actuality that the new BPs tend to be based in China.  In August, the above EOS advocate Brock Pierce complained that the arrangement had angry into a “bit of a Chinese oligarchy.”

The delegated Proof-of-Stake archetypal agency that EOS can still accomplish a aerial transaction amount with little association disruption. “But if all these are anchored in one nation-state, that nation-state controls that network,” says Yocom-Piatt. EOS users could be surrendering the debris of their ascendancy for bigger throughput.

Abraham is still assured that EOS will be able to acclimate to the new reality, and the new BPs abide to vote on new proposals. Just aftermost week, they anesthetized EOSIO 1.8, which includes new appearance for the much-awaited ‘Voice‘ amusing media platform, as able-bodied as measures to assure users and dApps from bluffing attempts. A new acute arrangement affection is appointed to go alive after this month.

“There is no oligarchy,” said Abraham. EOS is still able of able governance, he insisted, and the BP account is alteration on a circadian basis. “Today there accept been two changes to the schedule.” 

But Yocom-Piatt believes that abounding of the platform’s shortcomings are already baked-in. The EOS arrangement has “incredibly low voter-turnout,” he says, with some proposals alone accumulation about the 1-2% support. On Decred, alike “crappy proposals” still get about about 20-30% of votes.

Votes may accept added back the alpha of the year, but the absolute staked hasn’t kept up. According to Abraham, that agency that abounding users accept not agitated to vote, and those that do vote tend to be exchanges.

“If anyone absolutely cared about EOS, they’d be voting, ” Yocom-Piatt says. “When I see aborigine assembly that’s as low as it is on EOS, it agency the investors do not affliction about sovereignty. They are there alone for the money.”

EOS was benumbed aerial back it completed its ICO at the end of May 2024. Since again the activity has been aggress by abstruse issues and apropos about fiduciary responsibilities.

While Block.one will be beholden for yesterday’s decision, there are abounding added problems adverse the EOS network. The badge auction was the best acclaimed of them, but compared to the problems adverse its babyminding model, that ability end up actuality aloof the tip of the iceberg.