Ethereum Movie with Vitalik Buterin Raises 1,036 ETH in Funding

Ethereum Movie with Vitalik Buterin Raises 1,036 ETH in Funding

THELOGICALINDIAN - The bulk aloft has surpassed the 750 ETH ambition set on Jul 14

Crowdfunding for the feature-length documentary Ethereum: The Infinite Garden has ended, adopting aloof beneath 1,036 ETH over two days. 

The First Feature-Length Ethereum Documentary

Ethereum is set to hit the big awning in a feature-length documentary.

The documentary, blue-blooded “Ethereum: The Infinite Garden”, approved to accession 750 ETH (around $1.4 million) to armamentarium the project, with 5% of the gain activity to carbon offsets and Gitcoin Grants to abutment open-source Ethereum projects. Only two canicule afterwards its barrage on Jul. 14, the activity surpassed the 750 ETH target, with allotment closing at 1,035.96 ETH (worth almost $1.94 million) aloft from 662 backers.

“Ethereum: The Infinite Garden” will be the aboriginal feature-length documentary accoutrement the decentralized blockchain, with the activity anecdotic itself as: 

“A feature-length documentary blur that explores the avant-garde real-world applications of the Ethereum blockchain, the die-hard association of enthusiasts and developers, and its creator, Vitalik Buterin, whose eyes for the Internet has the abeyant to change the world.”

The activity has already accustomed an absolute filming accord with Vitalik Buterin and Ethereum Foundation Executive Director Aya Miyaguchi. The project’s official Twitter annual appear that filming with the brace had already started a day afore the crowdfunding went live.

Several high-profile abstracts from Hollywood are additionally involved. The cine will be directed by Chris Temple and Zach Ingrasci of Optimist Studios. The flat ahead directed the 2020 documentary “Five Years North” to abundant analytical acclaim. Additionally, pplpleasr, a agenda artisan whose assignment has featured in “Wonder Woman,” “Star Trek Beyond,” and several DeFi campaigns for the brand of Uniswap and Aave, has advised a alternation of promotional affiche NFTs for the documentary. 

Casting and development are still ongoing, admitting the documentary is due for absolution ancient in backward 2023.  

Disclaimer: At the time of autograph this feature, the columnist endemic BTC and ETH.