FTX Exchange Launches Lumber Futures Market

FTX Exchange Launches Lumber Futures Market

THELOGICALINDIAN - Known for its active acknowledgment in accouterment to the markets interests FTX has aloof listed barge futures

Another hot asset gets a futures advertisement on FTX. This time, it’s lumber. 

FTX Eyes Lumber Boom 

Lumber prices accept hit almanac highs amidst a pandemic-induced shortage. Many sawmills shut aftermost year as the apple went into lockdown. With the apartment bazaar now booming, barge has become a deficient article for home architecture and those attractive to clean rather than move.

The curtailment has meant that abode prices accept additionally increased. The amount of barge is up about 280% back the alpha of the pandemic. 

Never a aggregation to absence out on a bazaar opportunity, the fast-moving FTX barter added barge to its account of futures markets. They’re currently trading at $782.65 on the accepted exchange.

FTX has become accepted for its sometimes-humored acknowledgment to bazaar conditions, acceptance users to barter on a advanced array of futures, from whether the Tokyo Olympics will go advanced this year to WallStreetBets stocks. The barter additionally listed COIN advanced of Coinbase’s NASDAQ admission (it pulled a agnate ambush with Airbnb aftermost year). 

When a banker application the alias CryptoMessiah alleged on a battle bout with Andre Cronje in Dubai, onlookers joked that FTX should barrage a anticipation bazaar on the match’s outcome. FTX is yet to barrage a bazaar for the event. 

Nonetheless, the barter is accomplishing a cogent bulk of assignment to advance a abode at the beginning of the crypto space.

Earlier this year, it active a $135 actor sponsorship accord with Miami Heat. The NBA team’s home cloister will be renamed the FTX Arena. Meanwhile, Blockfolio, the crypto tracking app that integrates FTX, appear that it would be allotment Trevor Lawrence, who will be paid in BTC, ETH, and SOL. 

FTX has enjoyed ample advance of late, with its derivatives markets blame a circadian trading aggregate of almost $19 billion. This amount is amid the accomplished of all crypto exchanges. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies. Andre Cronje is an equity-holder in Crypto Briefing.