Gamified Trading Platform Hxro Will Launch on Solana

Gamified Trading Platform Hxro Will Launch on Solana

THELOGICALINDIAN - With the alteration to Solana Hxro affairs to action as a decentralized derivatives trading platform

Hxro, a crypto options trading platform, has announced that it will extend its derivatives trading account to the Solana blockchain.

Hxro Credits Solana’s Performance

Hxro currently offers time-based options markets in a gamified format, featuring multipliers, leaderboards, and added agnate incentives. Its MoonRekt bold is its flagship product.

Hxro has called Solana as its basal architecture, citation its achievement as its capital appeal. “Solana matches our business needs both now and at approaching calibration in agreement of speed, throughput capability, and cost-efficiency,” the activity explained on Twitter

Hxro says that it aims to decentralize the activity and enhance the account of the HXRO token. It will acquaint staking, governance, and added allurement programs for badge holders. The aggregation additionally hopes to coact with the Solana-based DEX Serum as well.  

The belvedere will abide to accomplish on Ethereum as able-bodied as Solana. “Users will be able to advisedly move HXRO seamlessly amid both chains,” the aggregation says. This will acquiesce users to booty advantage of Ethereum’s affluent ecosystem and Solana’s aerial achievement together.

High Ethereum Fees Cause Problems

With scalability issues and ultra-high gas fees on Ethereum, crypto projects are exploring faster options. Solana claims to abutment 50,000 affairs per additional (TPS) with a 400ms block time.

While some projects are affective to layer-2 chains, Solana is proving to be a able adversary back it comes to another layer-1 chains. Unlike layer-2 ascent solutions, Solana is not congenital on top of Ethereum; it is a blockchain unto itself that is accordant with Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens.

Ethereum’s own accessible scalability improvements, which will be implemented in Ethereum 2.0, may abate the charge for projects to await on alternating blockchains in the future.

At the time of autograph this columnist captivated Cosmos.