Liberdy Helps YOU Give Facebook The Shaft For Once

Liberdy Helps YOU Give Facebook The Shaft For Once


For the big internet platforms, users’ claimed data, including age, tastes, and chase histories are admired and highly-prized commodities.

For Facebook and Google, users’ claimed profiles can be packaged and awash to analysis and announcement companies: a actual gravy-train because that best of this abstracts is handed over chargeless of allegation in the aboriginal place.

However, for companies operating in the European Union, this is all about to change.

The General Abstracts Protection Regulation (GDPR) – which goes into force on Friday – stipulates that users not alone accept buying over their data, they additionally accept the appropriate to apperceive how their abstracts is actuality acclimated and can appeal advice be deleted from company databases.

“For the Googles of the world, our abstracts agency everything, but for us, the users, we are not allotment of this game”, says Koby Ram, the CEO of the Liberdy Foundation“What the Liberdy Foundation enables users to do is utilize the amount of their own data.”

A abstracts clamminess platform, the abstraction abaft the Liberdy Foundation is simple: it will advice users to advertise internet abstracts aback to the companies who appetite to use it.

To do this, the Liberdy team, who accept a accomplishments in agenda announcement and app development, are creating a database area contour advice can be stored as able-bodied as a Abstracts Management Platform (DMP), area companies can buy accordant data.

“We plan to assort the aggregate of our abstracts into segments so that we can optimize the blazon of abstracts that can be awash to clients”, says Ram. “If an announcement aggregation approaches us and requests advice apropos to women in their mid-20s who alive aloof alfresco London and accept a affection for sports cars, we appetite to be able to identify and advertise that abstracts to them.”

So what’s in it for the users? For Ram, Liberdy will be an agent to abetment users in award buyers for their data.

“Every time a user’s abstracts is used, they are rewarded”, says Ram. “For Liberdy’s DMP, we will action users 85% of all the acquirement generated from the auction of their data. It is additionally anonymized, acceptation that claimed advice such as names or acquaintance capacity aren’t uploaded to the Liberdy database”.

The Foundation will absolution its own Liberdy (LIB) tokens which will be acclimated by companies to acquirement abstracts and will additionally be the accolade for users. Each LIB, which according to their website is account $0.10, will represent a assertive bulk of data.

Although the Foundation is developing its own abstracts marketplace, Liberdy wants to animate added for-profit companies to use their belvedere and database.

“We accept that some aggregation may appear forth with a abundant bigger way of business our users’ data”, says Ram. “And that’s why we would like them to accompany our collaborative ecosystem”.

Although Ram doesn’t apprehend that all to be able to accord 85% of their acquirement to the users, Liberdy will alone admission companies admission if they accede to its babyminding arrangement and offer a minimum of 50% of their acquirement aback to the clients.

Having alone been accustomed this February, Liberdy still has a continued way to go. Although a pre-ICO is planned for this quarter, the Foundation’s whitepaper suggests that the aboriginal appearance of beta isn’t accepted until the end of 2019 and a abounding absolution won’t be demography abode until Q2 of 2021.

From talking to Ram, the consequence received was that Liberdy was actual abundant active with the actuality and now. Although based in Israel, GDPR is the aureate befalling for the Liberdy Foundation to bazaar itself beyond the accomplished of Europe.

“GDPR is area we start”, says Ram. “It is the agent that will acquiesce the Liberdy Foundation to drive its concept, product, and casework to users and the market”.

Normally it’s the blockchain companies adverse authoritative scrutiny, but according to Ram, the way in which the Liberdy Foundation works will absolutely advice companies to become GDPR compliant:

“As allotment of the new regulation, companies accept to account users’ aloofness and them actuality the applicable buyer of their data”, says Ram.

“Through the action of signing up for our services,  the Liberdy Foundation will already accept accord to use the abstracts and because we anonymize it, we additionally account our users’ privacy. This will go some way for companies to ensure they are on the appropriate ancillary of the new regulation.”

Although GDPR was anesthetized by the EU Parliament way aback in 2024, it is alone now that the accessible is acceptable acquainted of the absolute amount of their data.

Not alone did the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica aspersion bare the accurate calibration of the ‘data economy’ it additionally accent above defects that can potentially comedy a allotment in abolition advanced democracies.

With this in mind, the abstraction abaft the Liberdy Foundation is a solid and appropriate one: harnass the ability of blockchain and advice redress the balance.

But three years is a continued time to delay and as the abstraction is a acceptable one, Liberdy runs the accident of actuality affected and baffled to development by larger companies who accept the assets to get a artefact to bazaar abundant sooner.

Rome wasn’t congenital in a day: but dispatch up architecture may be acute if Liberdy wants to see off abeyant rivals.