Our FAVE Mainnet Launches For Summer

Our FAVE Mainnet Launches For Summer


There are no summer vacations planned for the agents at these projects… because there’s affluence to be afraid about back cryptocurrency ICOs accessible themselves to the public.

For developers and programmers, it’s a adventitious to acquisition any bugs that are still ambuscade beneath the carpet. For investors, it’s an break for acute nail-biting and feel bridge as they ascertain absolutely what their money’s been acclimated for. And for anybody else, it’s a adventitious to try out what could be the abutting Amazon—or the abutting Geocities.

This summer is abounding of high-profile launches. EOS has already apparent off its little array of joy, but actuality are some of our FAVE new launches for summer: Fusion, Aeternity, VeChain, Enigma.


Mainnet Launch: June 30.

Market Cap: $1,723,406,415 USD

Wikipedia claims that the VeChain activity was absolutely founded in 2007, authoritative it conceivably the alone abstraction in crypto-space that’s earlier than Bitcoin—although it seems like that may be a stretch. The badge was originally launched on Ethereum, but the abiding ambition has consistently been to advance and barrage an independent, highly-scaleable blockchain for assorted industries. Earlier this year, CEO Sunny Lu appear the clearing of VEN tokens to the newly-launched VeChainThor.

Despite accepting an inexcusably asinine name, VeChainThor is actual abundant the blockchain belvedere for grownups. Instead of sending drugs or virtual cats, the amalgam arrangement will be acclimated for cross-industrial purposes: tracking shipments beyond all-embracing borders, acceptance the actuality of easy-to-fake goods, and ensuring the assurance and affection of aliment and drugs with a abbreviate shelf life.

If you’ve anytime wondered if that alien French wine is absolutely asleep grape abstract from Queens, the VeChain belvedere could put your apperception at ease. 

The aggregation has beyond a lot of arena back the badge aboriginal launched, accepting already developed a accouterments arrangement of acute chips and sensors that can be chip with the Internet of Things. 

VeChain has been accused of embellishing its partnerships, but the account was already agleam enough: the aggregation has already partnered with several highly-ranked companies, universities, and Chinese bounded governments.


Enigma Project

(Not to be abashed with that added Enigma)

Testnet Launch: June 30.

Mainnet Launch: Sometime in Q3.

(The Bewilderment abstracts exchange launched on mainnet beforehand this year.)

Market Cap: $122,672,948

Blockchains are abundant for transparency, but sometimes you charge a little privacy. As acute affairs become added sophisticated, bodies are activity to be a lot added afraid to almanac acute abstracts to an abiding accessible ledger.

That’s the action for Enigma, which aims to break both ascent and privacy.  While there are lots of aloofness coins, Enigma is the aboriginal belvedere for aloofness dApps, via a arrangement of “secret contracts” that acquiesce absolute computations alfresco of the capital blockchain.  

A trading platform, the Catalyst, has already been launched and can be chip with 90 exchanges. 

Although Enigma’s still a bit abaft some added projects, the MIT-based aggregation has ashen little time in attractive for ally and talent. Enigma has already commutual up with Aion, potentially authoritative abstruse affairs accessible to every blockchain network.


Market Cap: $602,290,344 USD

Mainnet Launch: Originally appointed for June 30, now slated for August.

While added blockchains serve important purposes like streamlining business and shipping, Aeternity has a added blue-blooded cause: inventing a accouterments arrangement that doesn’t get chock-full by cat hair.*

Aeternity’s band-aid to the ascent botheration is a aggregate of sharding and affective beheading off the capital blockchain. Instead of accepting the absolute Aeternity arrangement verify anniversary transaction, best affairs will me confused to ancillary channels, in a way somewhat agnate to Bitcoin’s lightning network. Where disputes arise, they can still be bound by the blockchain—but contrarily the ataxia stays out of the system. 

There’s addition aspect that adds a ambit of added functionality: The answer machine, a simple way off accessing alien data. Oracles acquiesce off-chain abstracts to be acclimated as ascribe for a acute contract: you could architecture a dApp that reacts to the amount of a assertive stock, or who wins a football game, 

As Crypto Briefing has already reported, Aeternity has affluence of competition, and the mainnet adjournment will accomplish it harder to bolt up. If they can’t, it may be an ‘aeternity’ afore this activity shows results. I’ll see myself out now. 


Mainnet launch: End of June

Market Cap: $122,968,826

Part of the fun of crypto is allocation out all the altered chains and their tokens: addition out which bill go in your ERC-20 wallet and which ones go with NEO, and authoritative abiding that you use the actual abode anniversary time. Wait, did I say fun? I meant acute pain. 

 Fusion is able to blemish the bold with a arrangement that can collaborate with aloof about any blockchain token, forth with a arrangement of acute affairs that carbon the best adult banking instruments. If successful, it could about-face crypto from an abstruse way to accelerate beatnik money into a fully-developed arrangement for cyberbanking finance. 

These acute affairs are a lot added circuitous than the timelocks and escrow wallets you may accept apparent on added chains.  Fusion says that its affairs will acquiesce “time and accident based triggers,” acceptance the development of added complicated banking instruments.

But don’t get your hopes up. As Crypto Briefing has already reported, Fusion is big on account but dispersed on code. We’ll anon see if they’ve managed to beef their arrangement out.

The Author is invested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and NEO, which are mentioned here. 

*Sorry, Vitalik.