Meta Files for Eight New Crypto Trademarks

Meta Files for Eight New Crypto Trademarks

THELOGICALINDIAN - The technology amassed Meta account added than a bisected abundance dollars is accretion its crypto repertoire

Meta, aforetime Facebook, has filed applications for eight cryptocurrency and Metaverse-related trademarks. The trademarks administer to a array of blockchain and cryptocurrency subjects, including “virtual bill exchanges” to “crypto tokens.” 

Meta’s Metaverse Moves

Following Facebook’s above axis and rebrand to all-things Metaverse aftermost October, the aggregation has filed for trademarks hinting at affairs for crypto and blockchain applications. 

A brand advocate based in Washington, D.C., Michael Kondoudis, appear in a tweet today that Meta had filed eight brand applications accompanying to its Logo. He wrote that the applications included advantage on “crypto tokens,” “blockchain software,” “virtual bill exchanges,” “financial bill trading,” and “digital, crypto, and basic currencies.” 

In a press release, Kondoudis wrote, “These filings reflect the company’s action for affective into the Metaverse. Meta acutely has cogent affairs for the basic abridgement that will drive it.” 

At the anniversary South by Southwest this month, Meta’s arch controlling administrator Mark Zuckerberg previewed the company’s NFT plans. This was afterwards a cord of moves the aggregation fabricated accompanying to the agenda assets space, alpha back aggregation kicked off a added Metaverse chic in the industry aftermost Fall by announcing it would change its aggregation name to Meta. It spent about $10 billion aftermost year on accompanying plans. In December, Meta made payments on WhatsApp via the Paxos Dollar stablecoin accessible in a pilot to some users in the United States. On Jan. 31, it joined the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, which served as a agreement not to accomplish its cryptocurrency-related patents, in a move that came alone canicule afterwards it sold its Diem stablecoin bookish acreage for $200 million. 

In February, the aggregation absent about $250 billion in bazaar assets in one day in the greatest single-day accident in U.S. equities history. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies.