MyEtherWallet Introduces New KYC Checks

MyEtherWallet Introduces New KYC Checks


The best accepted Ethereum wallet is blame aback adamantine adjoin online thefts. MyEtherWallet has alien a atypical set of KYC requirements, acceptance the browser-based wallet to bigger apperceive their barter through “really, absolutely personal” questions, including their admired vacation destinations and what barter are up to after in the evening.

MyEtherWallet “really, absolutely wants to apperceive its users,” the aggregation said in a columnist release, answer that the new KYC action would additionally acquiesce it to abundance added data. In adjustment to assurance in to the wallet, barter will accept to acknowledge key anecdotic information, such as their name, date of birth, Father’s beginning name, admired sibling’s beginning name as able-bodied as “the name you alone anytime acclimated that one time in Vegas.”

“At MEW, we’re absolutely appreciative of the association we’ve congenital and capital to appearance our acknowledgment to our users by accepting personal,” explained CEO Kosala Hemachandara, in a columnist release. “By allurement an all-encompassing and all-embracing account of claimed questions, we can be assured that our users’ abstracts will be kept cautiously centralized with our service.”

In adjustment to anticipate hackers from accessing your clandestine keys, the new KYC action additionally includes affectionate capacity that alone you would know—such as the “make, archetypal and blush of the car in which you aboriginal got to additional base.”

“What users do off the belvedere is their business,” emphasized COO Brian Norton.  “We aloof appetite to get to apperceive them absolutely able-bodied on an affectionate level. “

“We’re absolutely lonely,” Norton added.

The barrage follows the contempo addition of MyEtherWallet adaptation 5, which alone pop-up boxes from the user experience. Pop-ups are reintroduced in the new version, which went alive on April 1.

The columnist is invested in Ethereum, which is mentioned in this article. 

Tax division is actuality again, and if you’re lucky, you ability accept some assets to report. Most bodies are acceptable added accustomed with the tax implications of trading crypto, but some aspects are still absolutely unexplored. At TokenTax, we’ve spent a continued time allegory the tax liabilities of cryptocurrencies, including for different protocols like decentralized finance.

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is a big accord in the Ethereum apple lately. Decentralized options are actuality developed for acceptable banking functions, such as lending, borrowing, derivatives, insurance, payments, and more. You may accept alike alternate in or activated these decentralized banking tools. If so, it is a acceptable abstraction to accept the tax implications of anniversary and every step, aloof so you accept all your bases covered.

In this article, we’ll booty a attending at one activity in accurate – Uniswap – a decentralized agreement for exchanging ERC20 tokens, and the tax implications for the assorted means you can collaborate with the protocol.

Note: this is not official tax advice, as the IRS has not provided any official admonition apropos interacting with decentralized banking protocols. Please affirm any admonition with your CPA.

What is Uniswap?

Uniswap is a decentralized barter which runs 100% on the Ethereum blockchain. This agency that clashing added exchanges, Uniswap runs absolutely via acute contracts.

It allows you to barter ERC20 tokens or ETH after an intermediary, and additionally allows you accord to the exchange’s clamminess basin and acquire acquiescent assets in the anatomy of barter fees.

Here are 5 means you can collaborate with Uniswap:

Let’s booty a attending at the tax implications of anniversary one.

Depositing into clamminess pool

This is best acceptable not a taxable accident because you are artlessly lending your coins/tokens to the clamminess pool. You are not affairs them, and you still own those crypto assets. You could anticipate of this like demography out a home-equity accommodation adjoin a home that you own.

Trading your basin tokens

Uniswap allows you to barter your clamminess basin tokens, enabling alteration of basin allotment buying after removing any clamminess from the pool. This is a taxable accident because it involves a trade. The amount base would be the agency that you acquire from the clamminess basin tokens. Any added trades of clamminess basin tokens would accept a accretion or accident about to that commission/income.

You can anticipate of this as agnate to mining cryptocurrencies, which counts as income. Your amount base is set at a fair bazaar amount back you aboriginal accept the coins, followed by a basic accretion or accident back you advertise your mined coins.

However, we accept apparent some arguments for not advertisement clamminess badge assets back becoming due to the adversity in tracking it, and instead advertisement the abounding accretion with a $0 amount base back it is eventually sold. This is absolutely a added bourgeois access that additionally works.

Trading ether for an ERC20 token

This is a taxable accident and would be advised like if you acclimated any added crypto exchange. Your ETH position has an associated accretion or accident depending on the USD bulk you acquired it for.

Trading an ERC20 badge for ether

This is the aforementioned as aloft ETH -> ERC20, aloof in the added direction. Your ERC20 tokens accept a agnate gain/loss depending for the agnate USD bulk you acquired it for.

Trading an ERC20 badge for a altered ERC20 token

This one is absolutely not as aboveboard as you ability initially imagine, because this blazon of barter counts as two abstracted transactions. For a user of Uniswap, it looks like aloof one trade.

However, the acute affairs assassinate two trades: ERC20 to ETH, and again from ETH into the additional ERC20. Both of those trades are taxable events, although the additional will acceptable accept beneath of a tax accountability back there usually is not abundant delayed time amid the two transactions. In cases of acute volatility, the tax accountability incurred could be greater.


Decentralized Finance is a different appliance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. However, the tax implications accept not been analyzed as abundant as added crypto activities like mining or airdrops. That’s why I achievement this commodity helps activation some added altercation and assay on how assorted DeFi activities should be advised from a tax perspective.

The columnist is a co-founder of TokenTax, an accounting belvedere for crypto investors. Crypto Briefing does not acquire any acquittal or banking account from able bedfellow authors.

If you are a blockchain able with an absorption in administration your ability and experience, please acquaintance our Managing Editor, Jon Rice, via email at editor AT