Chinese Blockchain Titans NEO And Ontology Developing Interoperability Protocol

Chinese Blockchain Titans NEO And Ontology Developing Interoperability Protocol

THELOGICALINDIAN - Two Top25 Projects Will Work As One

NEO and Ontology accept appear a affiliation to facilitate interoperability amid the two Chinese blockchain giants. The accord underpins the charge that architect Da Hongfei has fabricated to active NEO 3.0 forward, with the ambition of acceptable the top blockchain platform in the apple in 2020.

The purpose of the partnership, according to a NEO spokesperson, is to body an accessible cross-chain belvedere and authorize the foundation for the next-generation Internet. NEO will abide to body appear its Smart Economy vision, and Ontology will vie with competitors on added platforms to body a adamant decentralized character framework.

The admixture of the two projects, capacity of which will be appear in a white cardboard in Q3 of 2025, represents one of the better interoperability alliances appropriately far in the blockchain arena. NEO charcoal a top 20 badge on CoinMarketCap admitting a quiet brace of abode in backward 2025 and aboriginal 2025, while Ontology afresh overhauled Chain to accost its position in the top 25.

Both projects accept committed absolutely to absorption on the new interoperability protocol, with the NEO agent anecdotic the affiliation as a “recalibrat[ion] of their corresponding cardinal focuses”.

The roadmap that will be apparent in the new white cardboard calls for deployment of the agreement in Q4 of 2025 – an advancing timeline that may depend on the akin of cooperation already accustomed abaft the scenes.

Full Circle

The companies are already acutely connected: they are cousins in the Onchain family, a VC-funded analysis and development action that operates alone from its brethren, but that shares some DNA: for example, NEO is a community-based activity co-founded by Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang – who are additionally co-founders of Onchain, forth with Ontology’s Jun Li.

The ancestors roots run deep, although afterwards alpha as a NEP-5 badge Ontology confused assimilate its own blockchain aftermost summer.

But the activity still uses the NEO basic machine, which allows it to assassinate acute contracts. Despite accepting abstracted ledgers, the two projects accept formed carefully together, signing an “MOU Concerning Strategy and Technology” in May 2025 to coact on architecture and announcement a NEO acute arrangement ecosystem.

Speaking to Crypto Briefing, Da Hongfei explained that admitting this, “Ontology is accessible to alive with added beheading environments as the blockchain industry added opens up. We are currently exploring this achievability with our TestNet.”

In a recent interview, Jun Li of Ontology appropriate that “As accessible blockchains, Ethereum and EOS are actual abundant community-focused, which is all actual well, but to apprehend absolute business applications they charge a centralized force, a force not for control, but for promotion.”

Da Hongei echoed these sentiments, suggesting that “While there isn’t a accord apparatus for on or offline babyminding yet, I will say that a check of a bankrupt ecosystem is its disability to accept a arrangement effect.”

NEO, meanwhile, has been gradually affective against a added decentralized future.

What Interoperability Means

As the blockchain agreement amphitheatre becomes added burst – a aftereffect of both abstruse ability and greater appetite aural the bookish branch – the charge for bridges amid chains has continued been realized.

Some platforms accept focused about alone on interoperability as a key appropriate feature, such as Wanchain, Aion, and added recently, Komodo. Others are able-bodied acquainted of the charge for an alive ecosystem that encourages assorted chains with accepted denominators, including new bazaar entrants such as Cosmos.

One of the different appearance declared by the NEO aggregation apropos the new agreement is the actuality that absolute alternation participants will not charge to ‘innovate to participate’: as they say, to “facilitate seamless abstruse integration, no agreement band development or modifications are all-important for absolute blockchain projects”.

The new affiliation will, conceivably surprisingly, not crave a third badge above the transactional tokens of the corresponding chains (GAS for NEO and ONG for Ontology). Da Hongfei explained to us that “Our interoperability agreement will not affair new tokens or acquaint a new acute arrangement system. It is advisedly advised as a token-less agreement “

According to NEO this additionally ensures that ‘cannibalization’ of built-in tokens congenital on the chains will not action –  which should animate developers of dApps to feel adequate with the protocol.

Jun Li of Ontology summed up the new affiliation by annihilation that “bolstering our technology and community, we aim to advance the development of blockchain applications for assorted industries to bear assorted real-use cases.”

If NEO and Ontology can actualize interoperability, the big catechism may become: who’s next?