Ontology Partners with Chainlink to Provide Secure Off-Chain Connections

Ontology Partners with Chainlink to Provide Secure Off-Chain Connections


Ontology announced a collaborative affiliation with Chainlink to accompany data-driven acute affairs to back-end business models.

Ontology, a arrangement advised to accommodate a band of blockchain privacy, partnered with Chainlink, an Ethereum-based agent belvedere for added security, in adjustment to assignment about the “oracle problem.” 

An answer allows off-chain abstracts to collaborate with acute contracts. This barter of data, however, poses a aegis risk, which is the adeptness of the answer to admission data, as able-bodied as to ascendancy how acute affairs acknowledge to output. The assimilation of Chainlink adds a decentralized answer arrangement which provides defended and reliable admission to advice on the Ontology platform.

The Partnership

Chainlink’s decentralized arrangement provides admission to acquittal systems, abstracts and billow providers, API’s, IoT devices, and added blockchain-related services. Additionally, Chainlink’s software and alien adapters acquiesce for data-exchange affinity amid two altered systems. According to the announcement:

“[Chainlink is] an all-in-one arrangement for users to adapt how their arrangement communicates with annihilation off-chain application capricious levels of decentralization, abstracts aggregation, and answer selection.”

Ontology is a multi-chain activity and broadcast accord platform. The affiliation with the Chainlink arrangement will acquiesce Ontology users to adapt how their acute affairs acquaint with off-chain connections. Ontology believes this affiliation will accommodate developers in their ecosystem assorted use case opportunities with Chainlink’s off-chain affiliation capabilities.

The Shanghai analysis of the People’s Bank of China issued a statement apropos the use of basic currencies in the region. Reiterating that China’s favorable openings are to blockchain and not Bitcoin, markets slid by up to 11 percent in acknowledgment to the news.

With President Xi Jinping’s Oct. 26 statements in favor of blockchain triggering a almighty rally, added developments reignited absorption in the cryptocurrency market. However, Chinese admiral never bootless to analyze blockchain technology from the cryptocurrencies congenital on top of it. While some China-based projects enjoyed a aeon of renewed amount action, all-embracing sentiment was waning.

Today’s acknowledgment from the Shanghai annex of China’s axial coffer reinforce the appearance that the government does not attending attentive aloft any affectionate of decentralized currency. Highlighting that “ICO, IFO, IEO, STO are all crooked actionable accessible alms and balance issuance,” the coffer promised to able bottomward on any improvement of “illegal” activities about cryptocurrencies. This comes as the coffer continues to accomplish appropriate for its official agenda currency.

The address common the 2017 bans of ICOs and exchanges in China, alliance to adapt trading platforms amid alfresco of the country that are alms their casework to Chinese residents. The address comes accordingly with a agnate statement from the Shenzhen bounded government and its axial coffer branch. Officials claimed to accept articular 39 exchanges that are circumventing the 2017 ban.

Market Reacts Violently to the News

PBOC appear its column at about 5 P.M. Beijing time. Within the abutting two hours, Bitcoin amount fell by about 10 percent to a minimum of $6,800.

While the amount has somewhat recovered at the time of writing, the accepted bearings is bleak in agreement of abstruse indicators.

A new barter aggregate low was set recently, which acceptable contributed to the abrogating bazaar environment.

Source: Blockchain, Inc.

As the assets fabricated on Oct. 26 accept been absolutely wiped out, the China-based bazaar aeon can be advised concluded. There assume to be few accessible catalysts that could activate a new bullish appearance until the abutting block halving.