Raising Security Standards: CertiK Unveils the Security Leaderboard, a Powerful Tool for Retail Investors Navigating the Decentralized Web

Raising Security Standards: CertiK Unveils the Security Leaderboard, a Powerful Tool for Retail Investors Navigating the Decentralized Web

THELOGICALINDIAN - Certiks Security Leadboard is a apparatus advised to advice DeFi investors appraise projects in the ecosystem

CertiK is appreciative to advertise the latest adaptation of the Security Leaderboard, a apparatus which ranks DeFi projects adjoin a ambit of aegis primitives. The Leaderboard provides investors with the abstracts they charge to do their own analysis and auspiciously cross the agitative and generally chancy apple of Web 3.0. It’s the latest of CertiK’s offerings that aims to accession the accepted of aegis and advance transparency beyond all of DeFi.

As a freely-accessible tool, CertiK’s Aegis Leaderboard gives admission to activity audits and market-leading data. Hundreds of projects are listed on an alluringly displayed dashboard, area users can see how they rank adjoin a advanced ambit of security primitives. These metrics accommodate the project’s analysis history, on-chain ecology abstracts provided by SkyNeta real-time aegis intelligence agent –, bazaar volatility, amusing sentiment, transaction data, and more. 

These actionable insights are analytical for users who accept to advance in added chancy projects. The Community Alerts console allows users to address abeyant aegis breaches of a project. If a rugpull is in progress, time is of the aspect for investors aggravating to deliver their funds. CertiK’s aegis engineers investigate anniversary address and mark alerts as Confirmed if a aperture has occurred. 

The Aegis Leaderboard is a powerful tool for users attractive to DYOR afore advance and afterwards to adviser the aegis of their funds. CertiK additionally hosts a account LIVE Showcase, featuring top projects on the foundation YouTube Channel

Visit the Security Leaderboard today to see how your admired activity endless up! 

CertiK is the arch cyber-security close that has audited some of the blockchain ecosystem’s better players. The non-profit arm, CertiK Foundation is a research-driven organization, with a mission to accord bodies the ability to assurance blockchain applications by accouterment avant-garde on-chain and off-chain aegis measures for acute affairs and the absolute blockchain ecosystem

 CertiK Foundation:

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ChristyAna Viva

[email protected]