San Francisco Blockchain Week Goes Native: Squarelink For Crypto Payments

San Francisco Blockchain Week Goes Native: Squarelink For Crypto Payments

THELOGICALINDIAN - Attendees will be able to buy aliment with cryptocurrency

San Francisco Blockchain Week is partnering with Squarelink and Terra to action accident vendors the adequacy of accepting payments in cryptocurrency. 

Squarelink’s Event Pass dApp will accredit attendees to use Terra’s USD-pegged stablecoin to accomplish purchases from aliment trucks and added vendors at the conference.

Event Pass additionally serves merchants by acceptance to bound set up a crypto-based point-of-sale (POS) system.

Terra’s UST is a stablecoin called to the US Dollar. Terra’s offerings additionally accommodate KRW, SGD and the IMF’s SDR, a added all-embracing assets asset. Terra’s built-in badge Luna is acclimated to ensure the peg of their stablecoins.

The acquittal providers will be abutting armament to abide on antecedent successes. “We’re captivated to be alive with Terra to acquaint attendees at SFBW to a new way of authoritative purchases,” commented Squarelink CTO Alex Patin. “Last month, at ETHBoston, Squarelink Event Pass was acclimated for over 1,500 aliment barter transactions.”

Squarelink has activated patented cryptography to balance absent clandestine keys, after captivation them in its custody.

This is SFBW’s additional year, and its organizers apprehend to host added than 5,000 attendees from beyond the globe. Starting on October 28th, the accident will aftermost 6 canicule with assorted venues. Highlights accommodate the Crypto Economics Security Conference (CESC), Epicenter (Main Event), a Blockchain Career Fair, and a DeFi Hackathon.

The affiliation with Squarelink serves as a way of alms an immersive and educational acquaintance for its attendees.

“San Francisco Blockchain Week was created to activate conversations about the possibilities of blockchain technology,” explained Ronen Kirsh, SFBW organizer and Dekrypt Capital co-founder. “We’re starting to see the use of cryptocurrency in the absolute apple and this year’s accident reflects that.”

P2P cryptocurrency barter Paxful has appear cogent advance over the 12-month aeon arch up to October 2024. It now has over three actor wallet addresses, with 800k of those accepting been added in the aftermost year. A ample admeasurement of new users are based in developing countries, with the US additionally apery a growing market.

Paxful letters that barter has added 65 percent to 15 actor trades over the aftermost year. Along with the US, best new users are based in Ghana and Nigeria. However, the barter has additionally apparent cogent advance in India and Kenya. During the aboriginal anniversary of October alone, CoinDance shows $40m account of barter aggregate in India, and a added $30m in Kenya.

Cryptocurrency a Safe Haven Amid Economic Uncertainty?

The countries assuming advance accede with trends apparent abroad in the crypto markets. Earlier this week, Crypto Briefing reported that trading volumes for BTC adjoin the Chinese Yuan were up on LocalBitcoins, a adversary to Paxful in the P2P trading space. In this case, the access could be attributed to the growing blackmail of a recession in China. Given the bounded contour of Paxful’s growth, bread-and-butter ambiguity could be the acumen for the advance in the developing countries mentioned.

On the added hand, Paxful attributes its advance in trading volumes to added reasons, with Ray Youssef, CEO and co-founder of Paxful stating:

“It’s an agitative time in the cryptocurrency industry, and alike added so for peer-to-peer trading. In fact, we aloof conducted a abstraction which declared that added than bisected of Millennial and Generation Z respondents are absorbed in peer-to-peer trading as against to artlessly owning crypto or purchasing on exchanges.”

The study mentioned by Youssef additionally begin that 70 percent of respondents were already accustomed with P2P cryptocurrency exchanges.

Furthermore, Paxful has additionally been alive to accommodate apprenticeship on the use cases of cryptocurrencies and peer-to-peer finance, with a focus on remittances. Earlier this year, the aggregation undertook a bout of university campuses in Kenya and South Africa. The affairs provided advice for cryptocurrency novices, but additionally added avant-garde classes accoutrement use cases and business applications for added crypto-savvy attendees.

Paxful and Binance In, LocalBitcoins Out?

Whatever the affidavit abaft the growth, the added trading volumes and arrival of new users at Paxful assume to announce that antagonism in the P2P barter amplitude is hotting up. Binance has recently opened a P2P barter in China, with CEO Changpeng Zhao advertence in a cheep that we can apprehend added to follow.

Meanwhile, P2P exchanges additionally accept the befalling to snatch bazaar allotment from the aboriginal P2P trading platform, LocalBitcoins. After implementing a new KYC action which came into aftereffect at the alpha of October, all-around trading aggregate has dropped dramatically.