ShinhanCard Makes First Transaction Using OmiseGO

ShinhanCard Makes First Transaction Using OmiseGO


A agenda provider affiliated with one of the better cyberbanking banking groups in Korea has fabricated its aboriginal transaction application OmiseGO (OMG) as a validator.

ShinhanCard acclimated a claret childchain to accomplish a baby transaction that was again accurate by the OMG network. In a short video affirmation of the proof-of-concept (PoC), the agenda abettor beatific a baby aggregate of tokens – fabricated to resemble ShinhanCard’s accolade credibility – to an archetype user wallet.

“This affidavit of abstraction was absolutely accessible to accept what we can do with claret and blockchain itself,” said Arthur, a administrator of ShinhanCard’s Digital Planning Team, in a columnist release. “We anticipate that claret will accompany a added convenient, cheaper and added decentralized adjustment for acquittal to the absolute world.”

Plasma is a ascent band-aid for Ethereum (ETH). It cuts accidental abstracts from the basis chain, with alone completed affairs broadcasted to the accessible blockchain. It is beneath activity accelerated and makes the transaction action faster.

Today’s PoC comes ten months afterwards ShinhanCard and Omise active a MoU to analyze how blockchain could be chip into the bank’s Fintech infrastructure. ShinhanCard will now analyze application OmiseGO to enhance borderless interoperability and aggrandize its adherence programme internationally.

The absolute accolade credibility arrangement -known as ShinhanPay FAN (Finance and Network) – is already boundless in South Korea. ShinhanCard replicated FAN credibility in its contempo demo, minting them assimilate a Plasma childchain application an Ethereum acute contract. The two companies said, at the time of the MoU, that they capital to analyze the development of tech solutions to abutment the Shinhan FAN card.

If the aggregation decides to accept OmiseGO, users will be able to barter adherence credibility with merchants and added users of the blockchain. If that’s successful, ShinhanCard users may additionally be able to barter agenda assets application the OMG blockchain.

“As per the architecture of the OMG Arrangement and already it is about available, merchants such as ShinhanCard can excellent and transact agenda assets on the OMG network. Users can use the decentralized barter (DEX) via the eWallet to transact amid assets,” an OmiseGO agent said in an email to Crypto Briefing.


OmiseGO is a blockchain activity developed by Thai payments provider, Omise. Based on Ethereum, it wants to action low-fee banking casework to segments of the citizenry after coffer accounts. Among added things, OmiseGO uses the claret ascent band-aid to facilitate near-instantaneous acquittal settlement. Nodes pale OMG tokens back acceptance transactions.

In November, OmiseGO signed a MoU with a Singapore ride-hailing app, exploring how the agreement could advance the auto service. One advancement was to use blockchain to accurately log and map abstracts calm from users.

Blockchain-based amateur company, Hoard, additionally announced in November it was application OmiseGO as a belvedere for its new 80’s-style game, Claret Dog. Hoard said at the time it capital to appearance that claret was an able agreement for a high-volume of transactions.

Vansa Chatikavanij, OmiseGO’s Managing Director, said today’s account was a able start, but emphasized that the arrangement had abounding added abeyant applications.

In a statement, Chatikavanij said: “Tokenizing and transacting adherence credibility beyond borders is aloof one appliance of the OMG Network. We are aflame to see how we can added alleviate interactions amid action ecosystems.”

The columnist is invested in agenda assets, including ETH which is mentioned in this article.