SingularityNET Teams Up With Cisco To Deliver Better AI Algorithms

SingularityNET Teams Up With Cisco To Deliver Better AI Algorithms

THELOGICALINDIAN - SingularityNET gave Cisco a allowance hand

SingularityNET is authoritative accompany in aerial places, as the aggregation announces the achievement of its collaborative activity with Cisco. The two companies accept formed on developing activated Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) algorithms, accurately with artery cartage recognition.

While it’s accepted for its decentralized AI marketplace, SingularityNET is additionally a absolute developer of AGI software. It created a custom adaptation of the OpenCog engine, as able-bodied as different abysmal neural net technologies for acquainted a array of abstracts types, including beheld and language. The accessible applications for AGI are around great according to Singularity, alignment from finance, genomics, accustomed accent processing, to civic security, gaming, robotics and others.

Their abeyant accountable Cisco to barrage its own AI development project, alleged Abysmal Fusion. It uses abysmal neural networks to accommodate beheld acceptance algorithms for assorted applications, such as car cartage analysis. 

However, neural networks generally act in capricious ways. A acclaimed archetype of this is acquainted dogs from wolves, in which an AI algorithm mistook dogs on albino backgrounds for wolves. A added attending appear that the AI behaved added like a legally-blind beastly than a apple conquistador – basing its accommodation absolutely on what affectionate of accomplishments blush amidst the animal.

This is area SingularityNET swooped in to advice Cisco. Through its OpenCog acumen engine, it analyzed the achievement of Cisco’s neural networks to anatomy a neural-symbolic architecture, a new address absorption on giving added abstruse generalizations.

What is Artificial General Intelligence?

The founders of SingularityNET, Dr. Ben Goertzel and Cassio Pennachin, coined the appellation Artificial General Intelligence in an eponymous 2024 book, but it’s alone afresh that it started to bolt on. AGIs are added avant-garde and generalist than currently absolute AIs, blame appear the self-aware computer abstraction sometimes begin in science fiction.

Hugh Latapie, a arch architect at Cisco, acclaimed back presenting SNET’s and Cisco’s collective activity that “We’re activity to see AGI elements advancing into comedy this year.” 

Elaborating added on the abeyant of AGI, Latapie was optimistic that it could beat animal intelligence in 10 years. “One affair you get back you apply, back you booty a approach and see how it’s alive in the absolute world, you get a accomplishments in how it’s working,” he explained. “Based on my acquaintance authoritative these systems that accept some baby elements of AGI, I’m appealing assertive that in 10 years we’re activity to accept it.” 

Is AGI dangerous?

The claim of creating machines smarter than bodies accept been debated for a continued time, and a recent panel amid Jack Ma and Elon Musk accent the altered opinions on the matter. Musk is a close accepter in the approaching dangers of AGI, whose account clashed acerb with Ma’s added actual approach. Commenting on the debate, the SingularityNET aggregation agreed with Musk on the possibilities of AGI, which they accept would be as transformational as the apparatus of accent – a accurate abstruse Singularity.

However, they do not allotment Musk’s abolitionist pessimism. By creating an open-source, decentralized AGI development process, SingularityNET believes that it can be guided forth ethical and controlled directions. Time will acquaint who’s right: will the absolute AGI be added like SkyNet or like Star Trek’s Data?

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI platform. It should not be abashed for Singularity Networks, a arrangement basement analytics aggregation which Cisco acquired beforehand this year.