Wikipedia Announces Partnership with Request Network

Wikipedia Announces Partnership with Request Network


A trend to accord in cryptocurrency is acceptable more accepted as account comes in today of a affiliation amid the Request Network (REQ) and Wikimedia, the non-profit foundation abaft the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

Announced on Friday, the affiliation will see Wikimedia onboard the Appeal protocol so it can acquire donations in cryptocurrency.

The Foundation will aboriginal analysis out the blockchain technology in its French affiliate afore accretion it beyond its all-around belvedere if successful.

By accouterment a framework for users to advance their own banking solutions, the Request agreement enables users to accelerate and receive payments after the charge for an intermediary.  Having alone gone alive on the Ethereum main-net aloof over a ages ago, the arrangement has reportedly launched 200 requests successfully.

Bitcoin Aid Is Already A  Thing

There has been a continued altruistic band active through cryptocurrency back the alpha and abounding key abstracts and companies in the industry accept donated ample sums of money to accommodating organisations.

Back in March,  the Eth-powered ascent and barter network, OmiseGo, as able-bodied as Ethereum’s founder, Vitalik Buterin, both donated $1m to refugees in “extreme poverty”.

Most famously, and conceivably best mysteriously, the bearding donor abaft the Pineapple Fund has accustomed $86m account of Bitcoin to a host of charities, including projects to accommodate safe, apple-pie bubbler baptize to genitalia of Africa; a armamentarium to anon accounts individuals to abide big-ticket medical treatment; as able-bodied as attention programmes.

However what today’s advertisement indicates is a growing acquaintance amid big and accustomed accommodating organisations of the above allowances that blockchain can accompany to their donation strategies.

Being decentralised, defended and cellophane makes blockchain ideal for donation management. Not alone do charities anon accept donations after the charge for a centralised payments processor, accepting to a accessible abode agency that donors will be able to see absolutely what the money goes to.

Although the Wikimedia Foundation is one of the best high-profile charities to accept cryptocurrency payments to date, over the accomplished few years added charities accept additionally confused in that direction.

The donor-advised fund Fidelity Charitable began accepting Bitcoin donations back in 2015 and additionally currently accepts Ethereum as well: aback in February, the alms appear that it had received $69m account of cryptocurrency donations in 2017.

Wikipedia has a lot to acknowledge cryptocurrency, and added accurately Bitcoin, for alluring ample amounts of users to its site. As appear by Crypto Briefing a brace of canicule ago, the Bitcoin wiki access was the ninth best accepted article in 2017.