Coinbase Neutrino Acquisition Reveals History Of Spying and Gov’t Data Selling

Coinbase Neutrino Acquisition Reveals History Of Spying and Gov’t Data Selling

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency barter Coinbase is adverse an accretion publicity daydream afterwards it emerged the CEOof a aggregation it took over awash clandestine user abstracts to governments

Coinbase: Neutrino ‘Will Help Prevent Theft’

Announced February 19, Coinbase now owns Italian blockchain surveillance startup Neutrino, accepting acquired the aggregation for an bearding sum.

“By allegory abstracts on accessible blockchains, Neutrino will advice us anticipate annexation of funds from peoples’ accounts, investigate ransomware attacks, and analyze bad actors,” engineering administrator Varun Srinivasan wrote in an accompanying blog post.

Neutrino’s agents will now backpack to Coinbase’s London appointment and will abide alive as afore after redundancies.

Neutrino CEO Worked For ‘First Police Spyware Sellers’

No eventually had Coinbase appear the takeover did cryptocurrency industry participants anon complete the anxiety over Neutrino’s roots.

Giancarlo Russo, its CEO, ahead formed as COO of HackingTeam, a Milan-based accouterments with a atrocious reputation. Described by Verge as “the aboriginal sellers of bartering hacking software to the police,” HackingTeam’s spyware enables audience to appoint in a huge cardinal of surveillance activities.

These accommodate the buried accumulating of emails, SMS messages, alarm history and abode book data, as able-bodied as keystroke logging, buzz borer of Skype calls and alike abstracts about cryptocurrency wallet usage.

A further article in UK bi-weekly the Telegraph in 2015 saw the company’s architect David Vincenzetti affirm such capabilities were actuality awash to governments and added entities in 20 countries.

Social media commentators best up the HackingTeam affiliation with the Coinbase acquisition, while others appeared to bound bolt on.

“[G]oodbye (Coinbase)… not absorbed in accepting my data, identity, and crypto buying abstracts served to every government bureau on a argent platter,” CoinShares CSO Meltdem Demirors added in her own response.

As Bitcoinist reported, Coinbase has acquainted the burden from abroad this month. In addition ambiguous aegis move, the barter now allows users to abundance the clandestine keys to wallets in the cloud.

What do you anticipate about Coinbase accepting Neutrino? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

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