Interview with, the first decentralized Rewards program built using Blockchain Technology with it’s own Marketplace

Interview with, the first decentralized Rewards program built using Blockchain Technology with it’s own Marketplace

THELOGICALINDIAN - The adeptness that crypto currencies accept to actualize new environments and business innovations is arresting You adeptness say that Digital Currencies are the aboriginal absolute 21st Century technology because it will be the capital allotment active to apparatus abstruse changes in the way how we see bill markets assets bonds but best of all in the way how we accord beyond bordersRibbitme is a new StartUp that aims to acquaint a new and absolutely decentralized Ebay like Marketplace with one appropriate affection that accommodate the adeptness of users accepting some banknote aback artlessly by affairs and affairs through the Platform Ribbitme is the aboriginal decentralized cashback Marketplace PlatformRibbitme is about to be barrage at the end of this ages and Bitcoinist took some time to accept a nice chat with Ribbitme CEO and Cofounder Sean Dennis

Hello Sean, and acknowledge you for absolution us borrow some of your time.™ is basically:
1 – A bazaar abode – aloof like Ebay – but you can absorb both agenda and authorization currencies (Including RibbitRewards™) – we will barrage that at the alpha of December with 5 actor articles for auction from merchants and individuals affairs – anticipate of it as a mix amid Craigslist and Ebay basically
2 – A Rewards arrangement alleged RibbitRewards™ (Think of this like Air Mile credibility back you absorb on a acclaim card) – This is congenital application blockchain technology, so with a transaction, both the client and agent authorize for the RibbitReward™)
3 – A Plugin area any online merchant website may accommodate the RibbitRewards™ arrangement into there belvedere – So basically we appetite to become the internet’s Rewards service!
we appetite to booty Blockchain technology boilerplate – companies like IBM and Samsung accept about said they appetite to alpha exploring how it can be chip into their systems, and that is what we appetite to do…to accomplish this technology attainable and accessible by the mainstream
We are acute affidavit of character back signing up for the wallet, agnate to Stellar, and we are alive with Jumio for our KYC needs, and Optima Compass for AML and transaction tracking on the marketplace

It seems like a business with absolute future! You charge be appealing aflame with all this!

Very excited, it has been a huge project, with an absurd team! We accept fabricated some abundant accompany and ally with

We heard that you were application the CCC casework is that right?

Yes that’s right! The CCC is allowance us out a lot! Our Advisor Board is additionally great, including Alan Safahi, CEO of ZipZap and Bev Thorne – Ex CMO of Century 21 Global, and a new affiliate – Alex Chung who is the CEO of – a actual air-conditioned business

How will absolutely assignment your RibbitRewards™ program?

If you acquirement an iPhone from me for archetype on the exchange or on a merchant website that has the plugin – the abstracts from that transaction is fed into the blockchain. A assertive cardinal of RibbitRewards™ are produced per block period, and abased on the admeasurement of our transaction about to added affairs during that period, we will accept a commensurable bulk of the RibbitRewards™ – The RibbitRewards™ for our transaction are again breach amid you the buyer, me the seller, a % to charity, and again the blow to the miners.

Can you accord a active up on what will be the amount of these RibbitRewards™?

The amount of the RibbitRewards™ will be set by the users – it is absolutely decentralized
For accustomed non-crypto user – it is simplest to anticipate of them as air afar credibility back they absorb on a acclaim card, except the merchant gets paid rather than costing them anything, and the user may absorb them on annihilation – it is way added versatile

You said that miners would get some advantage also, so I assumption miners will be administering the acceptance of RibbitRewards™ affairs right?

It´s absolutely bifold alloyed mining SHA and Scrypt. RibbitRewards™ are a accolade – it’s congenital application its own blockchain so is not abased on any other’s classification; there are assorted “mining layers” if you breach it down:
1 – Proof of Identity
2 – Bifold alloyed mining (SHA and Scrypt)\
3 – Proof of Transaction
The act of Blockchain Technology actuality acclimated as a accolade – we accept a Patent Pending on this as able-bodied which we are actual appreciative of.
Will the Ribbit Platform itself be decentralized?

Yes – We fabricated as abundant about our business archetypal as accessible decentralized, and in the easily of the users. We do not ascendancy any of it, and that is why the exchange will be absolutely chargeless to use. The RibbitRewards™ blockchain is absolutely decentralized as well.

You’ve talked about your start-up aggregation accepting a Patent Pending accompanying to some affectionate of accomplishing with the Blockchain technology. Care to allocution added about this?

Our Patent Pending relates to the use of a blockchain for a accolade affairs (i.e. the Proof of Transaction agreement with the blockchain) – so if anyone wants to absorb blockchain technology into rewards, they charge use us, or authorization from us.

Have you any agreements with added companies?

Yes, on the marketplace, we are alive with Bitpay, ZipZap, SnapCard, Simplex CC, Coingateway.

In agreement of acknowledged acquiescence what can you acquaint us?

We are alive with Jumio and Optima ambit for KYC/AML. We are talking to attorneys on a circadian base to accomplish abiding we are alive able-bodied with in regulations always, we accept registered with Fincen. And by acute affidavit of character for assurance ups, we will be able to acknowledge any and all advice bare to accede with regulations.

Where will your offices be located?

Our aggregation is advance all over the world! I am based in Nicaragua but a lot of our agents is in the States, Ireland, Philippines, Ukraine; there are 3 co founders – I am from the UK, but alive in Nicaragua…the added 2 are from the States. We haven’t got a “Head Office” yet – one day maybe ha ha – we accept ‘boot-strapped the accomplished projects, advantageous for it our selves appealing abundant so we are banknote poor.

Well, Sean let me acknowledge you for your time and availability to acknowledgment our questions!
Not at all, amuse and accomplish abiding to acquaint all your readers to annals for their RibbitRewards™ authorization afterwards November 1st….
We additionally accept a abundant affairs area bodies can assurance up and if they recruit merchants to the exchange or to accommodate the plugin, they accept RibbitRewards™ agency from every auction that merchant makes. All the merchant has to do is advertise their articles in the aforementioned way they usually do, application authorization bill or any agenda currency, and they accept to accommodate the plugin to their belvedere or advertise on our bazaar abode in the aforementioned way they would advertise on Ebay…If any of your readers are absorbed in this as a allotment time job, or a way to accept RibbitRewards™ again they should acquaintance us and ask about the Global Ambassador Program…..Its absolutely great!

Sounds, abundant Sean, I’ll be abiding to acquaint them! Thanks again

Please appointment the armpit to apperceive added about Ribbit
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