Snapchat Investing in P2P Payments with Snapcash

Snapchat Investing in P2P Payments with Snapcash

THELOGICALINDIAN - Snapchat a accepted adaptable messaging annual has appear affiliation of a peertopeer acquittal arrangement alleged Snapcash By partnering with the acquittal annual Square users that are 18 or over that are amid in the US can affix their debit cards to their annual and instantly accelerate money to accompany by accounting the dollar assurance the bulk and acute the new blooming pay button When money is beatific it is deposited anon into your accompany coffer annual P2p payments are growing more accepted By partnering with Square Snapchat does not charge to booty on the claiming of autumn acute abstracts themselves Square has been a actual acknowledged acquittal annual and has chip Bitcoin payments into their acquittal systems beforehand this year Though Square supports Bitcoin use Snapchat users will not accept the adeptness to accelerate Bitcoin to one another

Snapchat appear the barrage of Snapcash in a contempo blog post:“Today is a big day for us – we are ablution our aboriginal artefact created in affiliation with accession company. We’re huge admirers of the association at Square and accept been big admirers of Square Banknote back it launched – aloof blazon a dollar bulk into the accountable band of an email and accelerate banknote to friends. Genius! We admired it so abundant that we capital to actualize article with them that acquainted Snapchat-y. So we congenital a Snapcash ancestor and aggregate it with the aggregation at Square. Luckily for us, they were aloof as aflame as we were and capital to body it together.” In accession to the blog post, Snapchat additionally created a video announcement their new product.

In the video, it does not arise that there is any blazon of acceptance of acquittal above-mentioned to sending it, which could annual problems. Also, Snapcash has the abeyant to advance to a actual ample cardinal of charge-backs and coffer fees for users that accidentally accelerate money that they don’t own. In accession to the abeyant botheration for charge-backs and coffer fees, the Snapchat app itself is not countersign protected, authoritative it potentially alarming to use the annual unless the user logs out afterwards anniversary use. If addition area to access your buzz that wasn’t countersign protected, they could cesspool your coffer annual through Snapchat.

Though there are several aegis concerns, Snapchat is now positioned to be a aggressive force in the p2p acquittal industry. Users that wouldn’t accept advised downloading a accounts app such as Paypal ability now accept incentive to  hop on the p2p wagon. Sending money to accompany bound and calmly is one of the amount appearance of any cryptocurrency. Though Snapchat has not appear any affairs to accommodate Bitcoin, it is accessible we will see it in the future. There has already been allocution of several acquittal industry giants amalgam Bitcoin into their platforms.

Competition for Gems?

The Gems social media belvedere launches in a few weeks. With Gems, users are adored by introducing new users to the arrangement and are additionally paid gems for examination advertisements. Advertisers charge pay gems to accelerate unsolicited agreeable to users of the platform. Gems additionally appearance encrypted burning messaging and the adeptness to instantly accelerate gems to accompany and family. With Snapchat’s new Snapcash feature, there ability be some antagonism for Gems, admitting Gems functions added like a cryptocurrency. Gems is powered by Counterparty and anniversary user will be accustomed their own Gems wallet. The abode of the wallet becomes their username, so sending gems amid accompany is abundantly easy.


The p2p acquittal movement is growing exponentially and behemothic companies are aggressive to accretion college stakes in it than their competitors. While Snapcash does not currently abutment Bitcoin, it ability be a affection we see chip in the future. Snapcash will acceptable become actual accepted amid its users and added access the appeal for easy, cheap, p2p acquittal solutions. Snapcash is currently alone avaliable on Android, admitting it will be chip into IOS shortly.

Edit: Snapcash has now been chip assimilate the IOS app and is accessible for users that are 18 with a debit card.