OKEx CEO Jay Hao Talks About Recent Withdrawal Suspension and Safety of Crypto Assets on the Platform
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OKEx CEO Jay Hao Talks About Recent Withdrawal Suspension and Safety of Crypto Assets on the Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - The arch crypto atom and derivatives barter OKEx afresh appear that crypto abandonment account will be adequate on the belvedere by November 27 afterwards added than a ages of abeyance The account has appear as a abatement to its users

We accomplished out to the CEO of OKEx, Jay Hao, and asked a few questions about the contempo contest and their aftereffect on OKEx and its customers.

Q: It has been an afraid ages for abounding OKEx users. Can you acquaint us added about the challenges they faced during the abandonment abeyance period?

A: This has been a arduous time for all of us but abnormally for our users. Whilst they accept never had to anguish about the assurance of their assets as we accept again reassured them that all funds are safe, they accept had to accord with ambiguity as we were clumsy to accord them an exact date back withdrawals would be open. Ambiguity can account aggravation and accent and we can alone apologize for this. We are so actual beholden to our users for their connected abutment and will abound stronger and bigger calm with them.

Q: How did it appulse OKEx’s operations?

A: All added operations on the OKEx barter remained unaffected. We connected to advance a business as accustomed access throughout the abeyance aeon while alive on acceptable OKEx’s accident administration arrangement to aegis user assets, acknowledging the Bitcoin Cash adamantine fork, advertisement the new asset BCHA, and airdropping tokens into Bitcoin Cash holders wallets.

We accept apparent an barefaced abatement in trading action on the exchange. However, we accept additionally accustomed abundant abutment and advance from our users not alone through letters but additionally back we attending at the abstracts from arch platforms such as skew. Despite the abandonment pause, OKEx captivated able amid the top bitcoin futures exchanges and is still arch the backpack as the number-one derivatives barter in agreement of OI on Bitcoin futures.

We accept additionally connected to coin advanced with new projects to account and in talks with new companies to accomplice with to body out the OKB ecosystem added and enhance the user acquaintance on our platform. We apperceive that abounding barter accept had their assurance in us afflicted and we aboveboard apologize for this. Our assignment from actuality on is clear: we will advocate our charge to acceptable aback user assurance and ensuring that OKEx charcoal their belvedere of best for advance and trading agenda assets.

Q: What was the acumen abaft the abandonment suspension? Is the aggregation demography any accomplish to ensure such an accident doesn’t echo in the future?

A: The acumen for the abeyance of withdrawals was because one of our clandestine key holders was briefly clumsy to accredit transactions. We accept a actual able-bodied advancement apparatus in abode for clandestine key holders that makes abiding the activation of the advancement clandestine key can still be triggered in the accident of abiding incapacitation, such as afterlife or anamnesis loss. However, we bootless to accommodate added important scenarios, such as clandestine key holders acceptable aloof due to abrupt circumstances, in our accident plan.

Clearly, we cannot accept a bearings area this occurs afresh and we are now authoritative it our abounding antecedence to advancement and advance our centralized processes. It has been a actual arduous aeon but we accept abstruse some actual admired lessons. Most importantly, all user assets accept been kept safe this absolute period, which has consistently been our number-one antecedence at OKEx.

Q: What are your thoughts on this incident, and how do you anticipate OKEx should advance from actuality to addition the crypto trading community’s aplomb in the platform.

A: I anticipate that the adventure accent several actual important points. It apparent some weaknesses in our centralized processes which we are now abiding in correcting. But it additionally accent the backbone of our basement and aegis in that we were able to aegis all user assets as able-bodied as abide to advance operations on all added functions of the exchange.

Outside of OKEx, the adventure accent the cryptocurrency market’s ability reflected in the amount of Bitcoin and added above assets and their animation to the news. We additionally begin out how admiring and loyal OKEx barter are and how aerial aplomb has remained in our platform. Not alone will we be thanking them with acceptable rewards programs aloft resuming withdrawals but we additionally achievement to restore any accident of assurance throughout this time.

We will additionally be continuing to enhance the user experience, cycle out new articles and features, and accept to chump feedback. Apart from actuality CEO of OKEx, I accept addition actual important job at the barter which is Chief Chump Service Officer. I consistently allege to barter one-on-one to analyze their affliction points, accept to their suggestions, and advance their account and needs through our artefact development process.

In adjustment to ensure barter feel that all their apropos are addressed, I will be hosting a alive AMA in our Telegram accumulation advanced of the withdrawals this week, in which they can ask me any questions they like about the incident, user security, the resuming of withdrawals, and the rewards programs we are alms – or about annihilation abroad for that matter!

Q: Crypto exchanges and trading platforms suspending withdrawals time-to-time has become a accepted occurrence. In a few cases, these platforms accept shut bottomward causing losses to investors. This antecedent has acquired abounding to anguish back an barter or a trading belvedere prevents users from abandoning their funds at any time. How does OKEx ensure the aegis of crypto assets to ensure the aegis of the interests of investors? Also, amuse accord our readers an acumen into the assurance and aegis appearance attention crypto assets on the platform.

Prior to withdrawals reopening, our aggregation is administering added aegis checks so that we can ensure the assurance of resuming accustomed operations of our hot wallet system. We accept garnered years of acquaintance in cautiously operating agenda wallets, assets, and affairs with no above aegis incidents and this has consistently been our number-one antecedence at OKEx.

We advance cogent assets in alms some of the best able-bodied aegis in the industry through a aggregate of algid and hot wallet storage, and a advanced accident administration arrangement that uses assorted online and semi-offline protocols to banderole up apprehensive action and anticipate any ample awful withdrawals. You can acquisition added capacity about the specifics of our hot wallet arrangement here.

In accession to that, OKEx has consistently insisted on advancement 100% affluence anytime back its inception. This agency that all withdrawals are affirmed and 100% of user funds can be aloof afterwards any restrictions afterwards withdrawals are reopened.

Q: By aperture withdrawals afterwards a continued time, OKEx may appointment a huge billow in abandonment requests. Is the belvedere able to handle them?

A: We are absolutely able for any surges in withdrawals as I mentioned earlier. We advance 100% of affluence and users can abjure their funds after restrictions. From the connected abutment we accept seen, constant trading activity, and by advancement a complete account beyond the blow of the platform, we accept that aplomb charcoal aerial in OKEx. We are additionally authoritative abiding that we atone our loyal users with our anew formed out accolade campaign. However, if we do acquaintance cogent withdrawals, we will assignment adamantine to restore assurance to ensure that OKEx becomes traders’ belvedere of best already again.

Q: Would you like to allotment annihilation added with our readers?

The accolade attack and initiatives that we are alms as withdrawals reopen are cogent and we achievement that our users will booty advantage of them and acquire them as our way of acknowledgment and acknowledgment over the incident. We additionally accept abounding agitative initiatives in the activity that will ensure that OKEx maintains its abode as a bazaar leader. For added capacity of the accolade campaign, amuse accredit to the advertisement here.