Why Celsius’ GK8 Company Announced Support For Tezos And Other Layer 1 Protocols
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Why Celsius’ GK8 Company Announced Support For Tezos And Other Layer 1 Protocols

THELOGICALINDIAN - Leading crypto asset algid accumulator aggregation GK8 afresh appear abutment for the Tezos ecosystem according to a columnist absolution The aggregation acquired by Celsius aback in 2024 for 115 actor will accommodate the ProofofStake cryptocurrency XTZ and its standards

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The affiliation follows a admission from the Tezos Foundation which will abutment GK8’s efforts to “build analytical infrastructure” for this ecosystem. Lior Lamesh, Co-Founder and CEO of GK8, said the afterward on this cooperation:

In addition, to their multi-layer algid accumulator services, GK8 offers “secure” tokenization of acceptable assets, the absolution claimed. The aggregation provides barter with algid accumulator for their Ethereum based tokens, and their layer-1 tokens EVM compatible.

Furthermore, users can admission the DeFi area via layer-2 acute affairs which accommodate them with allowance of over $750 actor for their assets. This is one of the better crypto allowance behavior on the crypto market. Roman Schnider, Head of Operations of Tezos Foundation added the afterward on GK8’s XTZ integration:

GK8 is the alone aggregation with a defended apparatus that enables its audience to create, sign, and accelerate blockchains affairs after an internet connection. Due to its aegis layer, it was able to access a affiliation with acquittal behemothic Mastercard.

The ally will abet on announcement crypto adoption, acknowledging innovation, and will assignment on authoritative crypto-based casework and articles added accessible. The cooperation is allotment of Mastercard’s Start Path program.

An Inside Look Into Tezos Foundation’s Grant Program

As mentioned, the cooperation amid GK8 and Tezos was the aftereffect of their Grant Program. According to its official website, this action was created to “ensure” and advance this network’s ecosystem.

The Foundation abutment projects that aid it to accomplish this goal, and any initiatives and innovations are encouraged to accelerate a proposal.

Data provided by this Foundation indicates that 14 new grants accept been active during February 2022. In addition, 21 grantees accept been afterward up on their projects, with addition 21 proposals for grants accustomed by Tezos.

A proposal’s accepting ante angle at 53% with a 50-day cat-and-mouse aeon back they are submitted until they are signed, as an average.

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At the time of writing, XTZ trades at $3 with a 4.6% accident in the aftermost 24-hours.