TimeRepublik: Interview With CEO Ted Wallach

TimeRepublik: Interview With CEO Ted Wallach

THELOGICALINDIAN - Time is money Im abiding that about anniversary and every one of us hasheard this acclaimed announcement and anon accustomed it as anindisputablebelief

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In fact, the abominable announcement is said to be accustomed to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote in an essay:

In fact, all societies throughout animal history accept believed time to be article that has value. Even in Marx’s Capital, we acquisition that in some way, our backer budgetary arrangement is a anatomy of “timebanking” (Labour Theory of Value), but in a actual circuitous way that introduces new problems and deficiencies. However, in avant-garde societies, time is still not quantified as an able currency, but rather apparent as what measures the amount of our labour.

Timebanking and the Sharing Economy

Timebank or timebanking is still a almost adopted abstraction in the apple of economics. Timebanking is an bread-and-butter archetypal area associates of an alignment or accumulation use units of time in barter for their services. In this case, time is alien as a bill and acclimated to pay for services.

In a arrangement area time is acclimated as a currency, anyone is able to action their casework to added associates and in acknowledgment be paid in units of time. And that’s absolutely what a new startup alleged TimeRepublik is aggravating to introduce; the aggregation wants to advance a all-around abridgement of timebanking with bodies all over the world. Because time is created equal, TimeRepublik challenges anybody to anticipate of exchanging casework or amount for time itself.

What is TimeRepublik?

TimeRepublik is a web-based timebanking exchange advised to acquiesce anyone to calmly get amount from their additional time. TimeRepublik_article_midimage_BitcoinTimeRepublik’s primary mission is to action a absolutely new timebanking platform. The basal abstraction abaft it is to actualize a association abridgement based on hours of one’s time, rather than a civic currency. By trading their casework with added association members, users of the arrangement acquire time acclaim units or hours. In return, they can absorb those credits with any added affiliate in the arrangement by advantageous for their casework with time.

One of the amount attempt of the TimeRepublik belvedere is that one hour of anyone’s time is according to one hour of anyone else’s time with no distinctions whatsoever. Time, clashing currency, is not based on belief. The alone affair that anybody in the apple seems to accede on is that an hour takes an hour and that there are 24 of them every day.

To get added acquainted with this new concept, Bitcoin.com abiding an account with the company’s CEO Ted Wallach.


Bitcoin.com (BC): TimeRepublik introduces a alarming new abstraction area time is the axial key. I would like to apprehend your own account of TimeRepublik.

Ted: TimeRepublik is a time cyberbanking belvedere for the all-around barter of casework application time as a currency. TimeRepublik is a simple, chargeless accord agent and Digital Time Wallet for anyone to get the casework they need, and body their projects or portfolios application the one bill we all have: time. You acquire time by administration your talents and can redeem what you’ve becoming to get the casework you need.

BC: Do you anticipate that time can be Tokenized?

Ted: We accept it can be tokenized – we are exploring this today. Currently, our arrangement is congenital on a acceptable database – we see the amount in the blockchain and acceptable ascribe from the association on how they anticipate time can be represented as a badge on the blockchain.

BC: Can you explain how a accessible affiliation amid TimeRepublik and agenda bill can be made?

Ted: The founders abaft TimeRepublik accept in creating a all-around belvedere for the barter of abilities and talents application article added than currency. We came beyond Bitcoin andTimeRepublik_article_midimage1_Bitcoin accept there are axiological similarities amid Bitcoin and timebanking.

BC: Can you animadversion about the abstraction of time as a agency of barter vs authorization money?

Ted: With money, we account value based on an admiration of abeyant acknowledgment on advance in the future. With time, rather than ciphering value, we admeasurement the bulk of time a accustomed account takes and alarm that its “value” for our system. Time is a agency of barter rather than money is the assumption that drives TimeRepublik. Time, clashing money – is connected and according to anybody about the world. There is no bill aberration and time is broadcast analogously no amount the income, status, or wealth. We accept in demonstrating how time – rather than money is a assemblage of barter that can ability an absolute economy.

BC: How can the users booty amount out of the belvedere or pay for appurtenances with TimeRepublik’s time units?

Ted: Time can alone be becoming and spent aural the belvedere of TimeRepublik – anniversary user is accustomed bisected an hour aloft abutting the TimeRepublik community. After bushing the user contour information, anniversary user can get up to 5 hours. Those hours can be spent or accustomed to added users on the belvedere in barter for casework such as graphic design, web development, translation, writing, and instruction.


If the administration abridgement is our future, TimeRepublik is advanced of the curve. In a time in which everybody is consistently in charge of added time, the aggregation is attractive for confusing solutions to advice bodies optimize their value. By abutting people, allowance them to allotment their skills, maximizing the analysis of tasks in an already accustomed alive community, and announcement co-working hubs, TimeRepublik is already on the border of accomplishing this new archetype shift.

What do you anticipate about this new proposal? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


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